1.0: Runner

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September 2nd, 2011


We, by "we" I mean the adults and I, woke up as soon as the sun rose. I look at my backpack I've been lugging around. I open a can of food. I slowly walked towards my sister, Carl, and Rose Anne, who were still sleeping. I noticed how his hair grew, the ends curled up slightly. "Why are you looking at Carl?" I hear a voice behind me. I became beet red, I turn to see Maggie. "Oh.. Hi?" I greeted. "Avoiding my question. Why were you staring at him?" My heart beats extremely fast, I take a breath. "I wasn't, I was staring at my.. food." "FUUUUCKKK. SHIIIIIT. SHE NOTICED." A couple hours after the incident, I had already finished the beans and Rick had come up with a plan.

"Okay." Rick says to us, as he plans out a entrance to the prison. "Ghost, go to the tower, shoot from above. Kids follow her, watch each other's backs." The four of us nod, I leave to the right tower. "Where are you going?" Rick calls me. "I'm gonna get rid of the damn pest before you idiots get in my way." I sassily respond. I opened the door, which led to a dark-ass staircase. I walked up slowly. I see the light of day again, I got my sniper's nest ready. I put my bag down right beside me. I also set my rifle up for shooting. "Heya Ghost." I hear Carl say. "Hi." I say, keeping my words to a minimum. "So.. How's the apocalypse been to you?" "Decent." I speak.

I keep my eyes on the gate, waiting for it to open. I heard distorted footsteps, "The two are probably getting up here." I thought. The group went into the prison yard. I bring my eye to the scope. The walkers were getting closer and closer to the group. "Damn." I mutter. "What?" Rose Anne asks. I take my eye away from the scope and took off the stand of my gun. "The walkers are too close to the group." I mutter. "Can't you take the risk?" Kaitlin asks. "No. If chose to shoot in a fatal area, the bullet's going to pass through the deadummy and into one of our own." I then..


*don't you mean Jafar (kill me [I'm Jafar in the school play if you didn't know])

**say that ten times fast.

***Every Carl-fangirl's dream XD

Now choose, should I stay with the others on the tower or run into action with the rest of the group?

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