1.1: Regret Message

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September 2nd, 2011


I then sat down, sighing at the fact I couldn't help out the adults. I look at Rose Anne and Kaitlin and Carl. "Ghoooossssttttt!!!" Rose Anne says, scooting closer to me. She whispers, "You know how you were staring at Caarlll..." "Wh-How-Wha-You were awake?" "Yes and so was I." Kaitlin says scooting near Rose Anne. "May the holy might of Jesus fucking save me." I said "Umm. Where's Sophia?" I was confused what happened the last year. "Oh.. she.. got bit. My dad.. shot her." Carl says, sorrowly. I apologized quickly, "Sorry. I didn't know if it'd be a sour topic." "Just don't bring it up to Carol." Carl says. I nod. My sister says "Ghost, do you have anything to do?" "Other than shooting muertos? Yeah." I open my bag to reveal a bunch of things. I move my clothing out of the way and took a bunch of comics out. "Michonne gave me these." I smile at the statement. "Cool," Carl says. Carl then takes #55 of Invincible, Rose Anne grabbed my bag out of my hand and looked through my bag. "Ohh MY GODD!!!" Rose Anne fangirls, she had a gift I had stole from a store for my sister. I grabbed the bag and the box out of her freaking hands.

I said to her, "Here, take the NGNL manga." I hand her the manga and she says, "But I already-"

"Don't be picky, the world ended asshole."

"Fine." I pick the comic "Born Again," which is part of the Dare Devil series. 30 minutes later, Carl, Kaitlin, and Rose Anne, were talking about comics, ignoring the gunshots in the background. I was standing up, ready to shoot. Rick was at the fences, giving the four of us the all clear sign. I said "C'mon guys, prison's clear!" I ran down the stairs, the others following behind me.

"Cells?" I ask when I walked towards the prison. I see the words "Cell Block C" imprinted on the walls. I see the dead bodies of walkers dragged out by the bitch, Daryl, and T-Dog. I said "Call dibs on top bunk!" I then jump onto the ladder and placed my bag there. My sister calls out. "No fair! You get top bunk all the time." I retort, "You don't call dibs is the thing."

"Hmph!" My sister turns away.

I said, "Sis, if you want to swap every now and then. We could?" "Yes! I actually get top bunk!" I smile at her childish behavior. I climbed down the bed and grabbed my bag. I put my bag in the corner and I asked "Sis, do ya want to help me organize my supplies." She.. completely ignored me. I then turned my bag upside down and saw my stuff fall. I push random stuff around and saw my bullets. I put the boxes in my bag, which was clearly needed for runs. I saw the books I passed around earlier. I put it in a stack, which I can read if I get bored.

I looked at my belongings again, "Just random shit." I mutter. There was food waiting to be eaten. I keep my belongings on the floor. I stand up and zip my bag up, grabbed my rifle and pistol. My black rifle with pastel colors was slightly worn out now. I walk out my cell, I see Carl and Rose Anne talking. I wave at the two. "Hey Ghost!" Rose Anne calls out. "C'mon over here." I walked towards them. My eyes showed kindness to them, "So what're you talking about?" "About the bitch who left me for dead." "Jeez, so salty." I mutter.

Carl look at me, wierdly. I look back at him in his blue eyes, he has his father's sheriff hat on, a faded green plaid shirt with a Science Dog shirt showing. I snap back to reality, "-and you're not paying attention to my rant. This is why I hate you." "Thanks for that rant?" I say, questionably. "I bet you were daydreaming about-" I grab the pistol by the barrel, ready pistol whip the bitch. "Daydreaming about what?" I say threateningly.

"Wow, the apocalypse really changed you. Ghost used to be really open about her-"

"Continue with the damn sentence, I will pistol whip a bitch." I mutter, raising the gun higher. Carl was sitting down on the floor watching the show happen.

"-crush-" Rose Anne continued.

"Bitch, don't do it."


I take my bag off my back and throw it at Rose Anne. I chased her with my bag, that I picked up once more. I was extremely red right now. "Asshole." I mutter.

"Hey," I hear Carl say. I smile at him. I look around. "Ohhhh Mah Godd, the two of us are alone. What do I do???? WHAT DO I DO!!!!"

"Hi." "Fuck my voice cracks, puberty's a bitch!!"

"What was she talking about?" He asks.

"About what?" I question.

"She said something about you letting your friends die. You won't do that to us, right?" Carl says.

"Why the hell do you have to be so god forbidden adorable dammit." "No. Why would I?"

Carl looks at me seriously, "You left your best friends to die by walkers. Threatened to pistol whip her, because of a secret or something. You called my dad "beard bitch" or something. You threatened my dad-"

"I.. I know. I did lots of bad things, I don't care if anyone is scared of me or hates me or doesn't trust or anything at all, but trust me when I say this. I'll protect you, your unborn sister or brother, and our friends and family. Got it?" I say, nearly tearing up. I excused myself. "I'm going to see the closer towers." "Wait." Carl says, stopping me. "Just let me see your face. Please, we see that you're too scared for others to-"

"I'm not scared for others to see my face." I say quietly. "I don't want my sister to see my face when I kill. I don't like people seeing my face when I kill, people will see a cold girl, not able to care anymore. I.. I don't want the old me to fade away."


Now, you guys choose. Should I go to *insert place* or continue talking to Carl?


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