1.9: Eye Didn't Know It Would Look Like That

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September 6th, 2011


"Well, I bet I got enough ammo to kill the whole group, with one gun." I say, challenging him and the group. "Yeah, if you actually can aim with that one eye! Do you think Rick's gonna let ya shoot 'em down, if you can?" Merle mocks me. "Tch, you're asking me if I can shoot, says the guy with one arm!" I say, annoyed. "Stand down, Ghost." Glenn says. "It's not good if we turn on our own manpower." "Oh hell no, he's not going to be in our group." I say, not believing that Merle was actually going to be let in again.

"We let you in after we kicked you out, Ghost. If we did that for you, we can do that for him." Rick says sternly. I chose to back down from fighting Merle after that statement. I chose to listen to what they say. Actually I was just there, I didn't actually to what they were saying. Suddenly Rick tries to leave the room, Hershel tries to stop him. "Get back here!! You said that this wasn't a democracy, we need you to live up to that!" Rick continues to walk off, Carl goes on to stop him. "I should go check the rest of the prison, I don't want to find another group hiding in the prison."

I walked past the other group members, my gun's scope on my shoulder. Beth asked "Where are you going?" "I'm checking the rest of prison, don't want anything to get through." I say. "Can I go with you?" She asks. "Don't you have to look over the bab-" "Her name's Judith." "Don't you have to look over Judith?" I reply. "Carol can take care of it, or my dad." I continued walking, "Your dad'll be pissed, don't want to get killed by a human."

I walked through the dim hallways, only thing that could be heard is my footsteps. I got my gun ready to shoot, keeping an eye out*. I open the door to the left to only see an abandoned room. "Of course, nothing there." I continued walking that way to find.. Nothing! Of course this would happen. I found a two doored exit, I pushed it open to see it lead to the walker filled courtyard. "Haha, fuck no." I say closing the door.

I walk back to the common room, whistling, hoping to draw hiding walkers out. I wanted to kill the walkers right there and then, I don't want someone else I hold close to me to die. I open the door to the common room and see Michonne ignoring Merle. I roll my eye at the ignorant idiot and walked towards my cell. "Hey eyepatch!**" I hear the ignorant idiot call me. "What is it shithead?" I asked, annoyed. "I've done some things I'm not proud of. Hope we can get past it." He apologizes. "Yeah, sure." I say, not really paying attention to what he was saying. I walked and entered my cell, plopping onto the bed.

I put my gun by my side and prop the bag on the wall. I take a deep breath and started thinking, "What does my eye look like? Do I actually look like a pirate?" I see Andrea walk by my cell giving me a smile, I waved back. I push myself up. Andrea went to the cell next to mine to get baby Judith. I saw the little girl and smiled. Andrea sat on the end of the bed. "How the hell are we gonna survive with a baby in the group?" I asked. Judith's smile became confused when she saw the wrap on my head. "What happened to you?" Andrea asks. "Shot in the eye." I said, like it was announcing something like "I got soda," or "How are you?" "Damn, and I thought we saw everything." Andrea remarks. "We haven't seen cannibals, or a walking skeleton." I retort.

"I didn't mean it literally." Andrea says. Judith tried reaching for my bandages, "Nope," I say falling onto the bed. "Let Judith touch it at least." She begged. "No way, I don't want to scare her with my eye." I retorted, half kidding.

Andrea set little Judith on my stomach, and said "I'm going back to Woodbury." "Seriously?" I ask. She gives me a nod. "Okay, stay safe." I said, wishing her farewell. Little Judith started to climb me. I said, picking her up, "No way I'm going to let you climb me as if I was a beanstalk." I stood up and walked next door to put her back in her crib. I see that someone made a crib that says "Lil' Ass Kicker" on it. "Well, sleep dreams, Lil' Ass Kicker." I say, placing Judith in her crib.

It's been one hour since putting Judith to bed, and approximately ten hours since waking up. I was basically looking for a mirror. I was too interested in how my eye looked like. I looked through my bag and only saw how my eye used to look like. I haven't found a reflective surface yet. I saw Michonne walking past me, "Hey, can I use your sword?"

"No," She immediately answered and asked "Why?" "I just.. wandered how my eye looks like. I'm not afraid of it, I'm too damn curious." I say. "Okay, but curiosity killed the cat." Michonne replies. "And weed destroyed the caterpillars lungs, but did he care?***" I snap back. Michonne handed me her katana. I smiled, "Thanks." I went to my cell and unwrapped my bandages. I take deep breaths, unsheathed the sword. My heart beat fast and faster. My eye was there, but basically gone. There were flesh healing over the wound, and it was disgusting. I sheathed the sword and wrapped the bandage around my head. "Damn.. It looked nasty as all shit." I stand up and walked down the stairs to give Michonne. She said "Did you regret it?" "No way." I say confidently. "I'm going to bed now," "Tomorrow, Rick, Carl, and I are going on a run, do you want to join?" She asks, putting her sword on her back.



Go on the run or not?

*kill me i didn't even mean for that pun, this can go for myself, Glenn, Governor, or Carl.

**Tokyo Ghoul reference.

***If you didn't get it, watch or read Alice in Wonderland

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