1.5: Rose Anne, You Bitch

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September 5th, 2011


I stayed with Michonne, and helped her fight. I pull out my knife rather than a pistol, which would draw more of the walkers towards us. I tripped one of them, while Michonne stabbed another one in the head. I let Michonne lead us towards the gates. She got to the gates, nearly nabbed by a muerto. Rick opened the gate for her, I continued running, then a walker grabbed the basket. I tried kicking the walker away, but it kept holding onto the basket. Walkers started coming closer and closer, "It can't be the end for me," I thought, filled with fear. "I won't LET IT BE THE END!" I pulled the walker towards me and I stab it in the head. I started running, I kicked one of the walkers in my way, "It won't be the end, I'm going to live!" I was closer and closer to the courtyard.

I pushed the gates open and closed it before the walkers could get close. "We're gonna tend to that wound of yours, give you food and water, but tell me: How did you get the formula?" "Asian boy and the pretty girl dropped them." Michonne answered. Rick continued interrogating my friend and protector. "What happened? Were they attacked?" "Taken." Michonne answers spitefully. "By who?" I ask. "The same son of a bitch who shot me." "You tell us what happened! You'd better start talking or else you'll have a bigger problem than the gunshot." Rick raises his voice. I stood up for Michonne, "And you'll have a bullet in your head if you keep talking about her like that." She was the one who found me, taught me how to survive. Michonne taught me how to ward walkers away from me, why to use a suppressor or a silent weapon rather than a gun. She saved me from being walker bait. I need repay my debt by helping her right now. "Don't pick a fight, you know you can't win." Rose Anne says pulling me away.

I walked away, well not walked away, dragged away.. By Rose Anne, who start ranting about how I shouldn't pick a fight with my "father-in-law." "Rose Anne, you do realize that there isn't a law anymore. Or constitution. Or internet so you can look up Sebastian Stan pics, right?" "..." "Did I somehow break you?" "..They're talking about my group." "What?" "Woodbury soldiers are after her, your friend." Rose Anne says.

Rose Anne says. "I have to leave, I need to bring your friend as well, she seems like she has a bounty on her head." "You aren't going to turn Michonne in. I won't let you." "Didn't I tell you not to pick a fight you can't win?" She says, raising a pistol. "Everyone step back if you also don't want to be shot." Most people took two to three steps back. I whispered. "Motherfucker." I was ready to die at my friend's hand. I heard a gunshot. I felt shards in my eye and blood running down my face. "...Save..me.." I say before my world went to black.


🤠Carl's Point Of View🤠


"Shit." That word continued running through my mind. I grab my gun from my side to shoot her, but Michonne went on and stabbed Rose Anne in the back.* I turn my attention back to Ghost. Oh God.. Her left eye's been stabbed by glass shards from her glasses. "Help her!" I scream at Hershel. He was standing there in shock. Hershel limps his way towards Ghost. "Her eye is completely destroyed, she might not have enough supplies for the wound."

I stand up and said "I can go back, there's the medical kit. It has painkillers and bandages." "Carl," my dad says, stopping me. "All the supplies were used for Hershel's leg." "Michonne and I are going out for the supplies." My dad says. Hershel commands, "We need lots of Hydrogen Peroxide, bandages, and medical gloves." "What do I do?" I was angered, I don't what to do. I want to help her, no. I need to help her.** "Take her to the cells, the walkers might be gone now." I got on my knees, and tried picking her up. She was surprisingly light. I run towards the cells, there were only dead bodies. No living walkers, I turned to the first cell I saw. I laid Ghost down. "This couldn't be real. It had to be a giant bad dream. It had to." Hershel, Daryl and Beth were walking over here with makeshift medical supplies and real medical supplies. Daryl ripped the end of his ponch, probably to take the shards out. "Carl, keep the girl still. I don't wanna risk doing more damage than good." Daryl says, worrying. I nod, I held her arms down. Daryl inched his hand closer to the damaged eye. Ghost's head moves to the right, giving us a better view of the wound.

"..Just..Do.. it...already.." Ghost says. Her voice was obviously pained. Daryl grabbed the biggest shard and pulled it out of her eye quickly. Ghost hisses at the pain, nods, signalling us to go on with the operation.

Daryl kept pulling out the glass shards. Ghost's teeth was constantly gritting, and I was extremely nervous for her. Daryl stands up and leaves us. Hershel gave me some instructions. "Give her painkillers if she starts whining about a burning feel although you aren't dabbing the cotton her eye." I nod. I then gave her a smile. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Well, you are dabbing peroxide on my left eye, what do you think?" She answers. "Sorry about that." I apologized. "I know how to make up for that." I continue. I stop touching her injury with the peroxide. I lean closer. I felt our lips touch, her lips were a little chapped, but I didn't care. I stopped kissing her. I took my hat off and gave it to her. Her face was red, and mine was too. I stood up to leave. "Kyleigh." I heard Ghost say. "That's my name. Kyleigh." "I like the name. Later." I wave goodbye to her.


*Like how Rose Anne stabbed me in the back by shooting me.

**I'm betting at this point Rose Anne's actually fangirling.


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