0.7: Oops.

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July 14th, 2010


"You know what." I say, "You're in grief, and pain. I'm giving you time to get your shit together, so please do so."

Andrea looks at me, there were tears in her eyes still. I turn to see the sun rising slowly. I gave her a knife I had found on the ground. "Please. Destroy the brain, I don't want anyone else to..die." She takes the knife, "Leave.." She says finally. I turn to see my sister, who was crying still. "I-I-I co-couldn't p-protect anyone." I gave a hug to her once more. I said, "I told you once, I'll tell you once more. I'm going to protect you no matter what." I hear Rick call me. "Ghost! We need some help with the walker bodies." I nod and walked towards them. I see so many of the human eaters. I grab one by the leg and dragged it towards the graves, which Shane and Rick are digging. I swung the body towards the grave, which the feet were still sticking out. I pushed the walker's feet into the pit.

I walked back to the other body bags, stained with dried blood. All were wrapped, except the last one left, "Amy's.. " I said, "I gotta go pack my sister's stuff." I walked towards the last tents, seeing my little sister's bag. I grabbed it, I see my sister's plushie and random papers. I took one paper out and saw it was a picture of my family. I avert my eyes from the pictures, I couldn't stopped myself from crying though. I take my mask off and cried. "Dammit.. I..I'm supposed to stop my tears. I'm done with this bullshit." "Why? It's too hard to stay strong in this broken world..I..miss.. the old world.." "Ghost?" I put my mask back on. I turn to see Sophia. I stuff the pictures into the blue bag. "Y-Yeah," I say, trying not to let my voice crack. "Are you alright?" Sophia asked. I mutter "I'm fine." "You have a little.." She points to blood on my mask. "Sorry." I apologized.

"Don't stress yourself out so much." She said. I changed the topic, "We're leaving the camp today right?" "Yeah." Sophia answers. I said, "Hold my hand, I don't want any of the munchers getting to you." She did it, but touching my wrist rather than my hand. I understood why, these hands are stained with blood. I walked out of the woods with Sophia.* I see everyone in cars. Sophia goes to the car with all the other kids. I see Shane and Rick talking, I ignore them. I see my little sister in the back of the car. I knocked on the window of the car. I pointed for her to get out of the vehicle. "What is it Ghost?" She asks. I said, "Queen, we're leaving the group." Kaitlin's eyes widened. "What?" Kaitlin questions me again.

"We. Are.. Leaving." I said. "No!" She exclaims. "Just because you act like an adult and are my guardian doesn't mean you can tell me to leave the only friends I've had in a while! You need to let me live my life right? Isn't that what you said? That you'd let me live life regularly rather than this apocalyptic lifestyle?!" I shut bit my lip and replied. "One group with more than ten people is bound to kill one or two off at a time, either by walkers or sickness or other humans. I'm not taking that chance. I can fight for us, like I've done before."

My sister said, "I'm staying whether you like it or not." I took a deep breathe before repeating what the plan was. "We are leaving now, I don't care if you like it or not. I want to protect you, with these stupid rules, I can't." I grab my sister's hand. She pushes me away, "You're not mom or dad! So don't boss me the hell around!"

"You don't know what I did for you!! You know the kids at school! They were on lockdown! They were screaming at me, yelling for me to unlock the gate, I didn't. Because I knew they weren't able to survive! I sacrificed those kids! The school was far enough that the monsters wouldn't be able to get to you, my Queen! I went for the school for supplies and stopped the human eaters from getting to our house! Stopped them from killing you!" I cried out. "I locked them in using chains and a padlock. I left Rose Anne in there!**"

"I can't believe you." My sister says. I started crying, Rick tapped my shoulder. I turn to see him handing me the Glock 19 back with a hunting rifle as well. "Leave. You're a danger to everyone." I heard him say. I was left in shock. I close my eyes and threw my sister's backpack at her. I said to him "If you and I cross paths again, my little sister must be alive. If she isn't, I will kill you." I turn to my little sister once again. I took my mask off and smile at her. "It'll be alright."

I walk toward the forest, not caring anymore. I still had tears streaming down my face. It has been three hours or so. I look ahead, seeing the undead monsters. I wasn't afraid anymore. I had nothing to lose anymore. I dodge the monster and trip it. I smash it's face in without a problem. I see a female ahead with two armless walkers, tied together with a chain. I asked "Who are you?" My voice was froggy from all the crying I've done walking here. "I would ask you the same question." The woman unsheathes her sword and turns to face me. "You're just a girl." I nod. "Please.. help.. me.. I was.. kicked out.. of my old.. group. They.. said I was.. too.. dangerous.." My voice was still unsteady, my eyes were bloodshot and dry. "I beg.. of you.. let me stay with.. you.." The woman puts her sword back in her sheath. "Come 'ere." She opens her arms to hug me.*** I slowly walked toward her. My shoulders began hurting a while back, it might me due to the rifle I used. The woman had a bandanna and smiles "I won't hurt you." I gave her the hug she so kindly offered me. I wondered what are happening to the others.


*This is what Rick should've done.

** Sorry not sorry

*** IDK how Michonne would react to a thirteen year old girl who was kicked out of her group because she sacrificed a bunch of middle schoolers in the apocalypse.

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