2.6: Introducing... AUTHOR'S POINT OF VIEW!!

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October 9th, 2011


I continued limping away from that hell I started. "Fuck, I don't have enough resources.. The food Carl and I ate will probably last me two days tops." I considered all the resources I have. "I have about a box of bullets left, so one mag. I have my sister's mask, books, and a bottle of water." The wound on my leg was pretty deep, which was a burning feeling. My arm's wound wasn't as bad, "At least it's not infected.. yet." The wood was filled with bugs and creepy-motherfucking-crawlies. I felt bugs fly past me and some of those bugs land on me. I couldn't brush it off because of the injuries.

I sighed and felt a small pinch on my collar bone. "Are you shitting me?" I think to myself. I wanted to continue walking, but it was annoying. The bug bite was annoying, I wanted to itch it. I ignored it, closing my eye and calmed down.

I walked through the forest for a while, I look at my hands again. "Of course.. Stained with blood." I thought to myself. My head started pounding and the world became darker, yet darker, yet...


ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪ Author's Point Of View ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪


So basically, in-universe me fainted. Most probably due to blood loss, or something scientific like that. Well shite. I watched from the heavens- well actually, I watched from Hell from a telescope as I see two survivors approaching the way that lead to my in-universe me's body. "Either A: I'm going to die. B: I'm going to die or C: I'm going to FUCKING DIE."

It was two girls, one was bald and kinda reminded me of Michonne. She had that "Fuck with me and I'll beat your ass" type of look. The other had a hat and flannel wrapped around her waist. She was like an "I've seen some shit" type of person. The Michonne look alike held an AK 47 and the hat girl had a Glock, similar to the one in-universe me had.

I said, "WAIT THE FUCK UP." I zoomed the telescope in and saw that the pistol had something carved into it. "HURRY THE FUCK UP-" I heard a man pulling me back, trying to look the telescope as well. I grabbed my converse and threw it at his head. "HELL NO." I state angrily, taking the telescope back. I look back into the telescope, but the girls were gone. I started examining the area. The rock where in-universe me fell near and there wasn't blood splattered everywhere. That should be a good sign, but it isn't. Do you why it isn't? BECAUSE IN-UNIVERSE ME'S BODY ISN'T THERE. "Did they fucking kidnap me?" I thought, "Maybe they're saving me?"

I screamed "YO LUCIFER!! WHERE'S BALD MICHONNE?!" He looks at me strangely. He snaps his fingers, and mumbles "This bitch is too crazy for Hell.. this is why I sent her friend up there." "LOL, THNX XD." I said looking through the scope. Bald Michonne was carrying me.. Well kinda. Hat girl was holding my feet and Baldchonne was holding my arms, as if in-universe me was going to be sacrificed in some ritual.


"YOOOOOOO!!!" I hear Rose Anne say. "YOOOOO!!" I scream back, giving her a hug. "I heard you got kicked out of Hell!" She says applauding me. "So, the hell happened up here?" I ask. "So.. Other you's boyfriend is yelling at an unconscious Rick." "When is other me going to wake up?" I say super bored, knowing that in heaven we can talk to people, and do some other shit.. I definitely have short term memory. I'm also sure that the kid's preacher said something about like "What awaits in heaven is... blah, blah, blah." I wasn't listening.


🤠Carl's Point Of View🤠


"Why didn't you go back for them?!" I scream at my dad. He was knocked out cold, he made the two of us run. "Glenn risked his life! Maggie risked her life! Michonne risked her life!! Mika and Lizzie risked their lives because of the Governor!! Kyleigh risked her life for me to save you!! You asshole!! You couldn't protect us!" I paced around the room, "You couldn't protect Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, mom, Judith, anyone!! You couldn't protect anyone!!" I walked towards the front door of the house we saw refuge in and turned to to my father. "You'd be better off dead."

I open the door and started walking, alone.*


Clarification Which Includes Spoilers For Mirai Nikki, Although The Spoilers Are Pretty Minor??: Author and Ghost in the story are two different entities. It's kinda like Mirai Nikki when there's Deus EX Machina where Deus EX Machina and Muru Muru look over all the Future Diary Holders

*In my mind, I started singing "The Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day.

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