2.2: What Did I Do?

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October 7th, 2011


Carl comes back after going to get some pudding. "Here you go." He says handing me a spoon. "Thank you." I say, he opens the small plastic cup of pudding. I scooped a small portion of the pudding, I ate the vanilla pudding and asked "We're out of chocolate?" "Yeah." Carl says. We continued eating the pudding and it was the last spoonful of pudding. I quickly grabbed the pudding cup and shoveled the last bite into my mouth. "C'mon Kyleigh, you said that I'll have the last bite last time!" Carl exclaimed. "Well," I playfully say, "You know I will always steal the last bite." Carl pouted like a little kid. "Why am I dating such a baby?" I teased him. "Why am I dating a cyclops?" He retorts. "Shut up!" I smiled.

I slowly fell onto his shoulder. "Get off." He says. "I don't want to." I whined. "Okay, you can stay here while I'm going to actually do my chores." He says leaving me. "CORAL DON'T GO!" I annoyed him. "Don't call me "Coral."" He stops in his tracks. "Why not Coral?" I say, standing up, "Coral, shouldn't you be doing your chores, Coral?" I look him right in his two blue eyes. He looked at me, his head tilting downwards. "I will freaking carry you to the pig pen and drop you in the mud." He told me. "You wouldn't dare." I say in disbelief. "Try me." He says picking me up.

"He's carrying bridal style. Shit." "Hey, how are we gonna get out the door dummy?" I say. "I'm not a dummy," he walked through the door holding me in his arms. "I'm smarter than you." I asked "You aren't actually going to drop me in the pig pen.. are you?" "Not if you kiss me.." He stopped to think, "Twenty five times on the lips." "...I'd rather be with the pigs." I say to annoying him more. There was a walk of silence as he carries me outside. "C'MON YOU KNOW I WAS KIDDING!!" I say, red, "I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH THE PIGS!!"

"CORAL!! THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Rick yells. "HE'S BEING A BITCH BECAUSE I REFUSE TO KISS THE- SHIT!" I screamed. "CORAL STOP BEING A BAD BOYFRIEND TO YOUR TSUNDERE ASS GIRLFRIEND!!" Carl dropped me in the pig pen. Face fucking first. I push myself up and said "You're a douche bag." "And you're adorable." My face blew up red, "A-Asshole!" I pull his arm and he falls down. His hat was caught by me, and I said "That's what you get!" I was pulled back down by my boyfriend. "..go change your fucking clothes you two.." Daryl says, walking away from Rick, Carl, and I.

I stood up and said "I call dibs on the shower first."


It's been one hour since I took a shower, right now I'm staring at the mask I used to wear on my bed. "Don't take the mask off until we're safe." "Great, broke tons of promises in the matter of a month." I whisper to myself. I hear coughing in the cells. "Shit, there might be an outbreak." I put on my mask and open the cell door. "Oh, sorry." Patrick says, looking at me. "Do you need to go to Mr. Singh or Hershel?" I asked concerned. "I'll be-" Patrick then begins coughing violently. I grab his arm searching for Hershel or Doctor Singh or any doctor. Patrick jerks his arm away, "I'm fine." He says weakly. I was about to retort before he left, coughing. "He'll be too sick to take care of soon enough." I went to my cell and chose to start reading the amazing H.P Lovecraft's book Call of Cthulhu. I finished the book five hours later, gaining occasional visits from Beth, Carl, and . "It's almost midnight." I thought staring at my finished book. "What do I do now?" I hear feet shuffling through the halls. "I thought everyone's asleep."

I open my cell door to see no one there. I close my door, thinking it was nothing. I lay on my bed*, trying to sleep. "Damn these walkers. I blame them for my loss of sleep."


October 8th, 2011


I rub my eye and stretched. I heard gunshots, waking me the hell up. I grab my sniper rifle and my pistol. I put my knapsack on my back and ran towards the gunshots. Lizzie and Mika were running my direction in fear. "What's happening?!" I ask them. "Our friends are different don't-" Lizzie tried reasoning with me. I used my Colt Gold Cup and shot the walker in the head. I commanded, "You two, go to my cell, close the door and grab something to protect yourselves with!" I put my pistol on the D-Ring on my jeans. I started using my MKEK-JNG 90 rifle rather than my Colt. "Three down.. Four.." I was about to shoot another one, then arrow went in another deadummy in the head.

"Dammit Daryl." I thought bitterly. I continued shooting down walkers as alive people started flooding in. I look to see if there was any moving walkers. I looked around, "I fucking called that the giant ass group of people will bring a fucking illness that'll kill us all!! I fucking called it!!"

I walked up the prison stairs and told Lizzie and Mika. "It's safe to come out now." Mika opened the door and said "Thank you." "No problem." I then said. "Lizzie, Mika, it's your father." Carol says solemnly. Lizzie and Mika followed Carol down the stairs. I went down the stairs and helped out with pulling the dead walkers out of Cell Block D. I pulled one of the lighter walkers and followed Glenn to the field. This repeated three or four times. I felt extremely tired and chose to go out to the tower. I hum to a song from what it seemed like a lifetime ago. "Ili-ili, tulog anay, Wala diri imong Nanay, Kadto tienda bakal papay, Ili-ili, tulog anay." I remember the song from my mother, which sang me this song everytime I went to sleep at night.

I sit on the grate of the tower and felt the breeze, and l look at the amount of walkers on the fence. There were too many, they were bunching up and gave lots of work to the ones clearing the fence. I continued observing what was happening, Rick and Daryl were leading the walkers away and Carol was pumping water. Rick leaves to talk to Carol, and then leaves to do whatever he does. I look up at the sky, which was as blue as ever. "Damn thing never changes, does it?" I say. The color didn't seem to fade, although hope was fading.

I then..


*I accidentally wrote bae. Whoops.

What do I do now?

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