1.7: Dammit Daryl, What The Hell

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September 5th, 2011


"Hey, you two." Rick says. "Shit... He saw us hugging!! WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?!?!?" "We're going to Woodbury, if you need anything, the Greene's are in charge." Rick continues. I stopped hugging Carl and then the two of us became two blushing tomatoes when we heard Rick yell this phrase out. "MY BOY GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!*"

I stuttered out, "A-a-are we-um.. a-" "Y-yeah, I g-guess." He smiles. I adjust my boyfriend's hat, which is on my head so I can see better. I touch the bandage, and asked "Where's my backpack?" "Oh, I think Beth has it." "Where is she?" I ask. "I.. have no idea." He says, laying on the wall with me. I smile at him and said "I'm going back to sleep now." I lay my head on his shoulder, feeling his body warmth touch this empty shell I call me.


🤠 Carl's Point Of View 🤠


She lays on my shoulder, smiling. I looked at her slumbering body, she was cold to the touch, most likely due to the blood lost. "She looks so peaceful. Weirdly, she's stressed. I want her to be happy.. Why wasn't I fast enough, I could've stopped Rose Anne from shooting at her." It's been a hour or something like that and Kyleigh woke up. "Rose Anne.. stop being a bitch dammit." Kyleigh mutters as she rubs her eye.

"Hello.." She says, stretching her arms. "Can you get my mask?" "Sure." I stand up and looked at the bed, where the medical supplies were. I push them aside and said "Found it." I unclipped the back of the mask and Kyleigh says "Thanks." "Can I..?" I ask, waving the mask. She nods. I sit down and placed the mask on her, clipping the two sides together. "You look so cute, but you look cuter without the mask." I compliment her. She looks away in embarrassment. "Help me up." She says holding her arms out.

I hold her hands and said "Okay." I pulled her up, she seemed like her body's still trying to recover from the gunshot.


凸(^U^)凸Kyleigh's Point Of View凸(^U^)凸


Carl helps me up and I felt weak, which annoys me so much. "Pathetic. I taught you how to be invulnerable emotionally. I taught you to suppress those feelings of love and protect you sister!! But you're just another worthless piece of shit. You couldn't do the something I told you to do. Tch. Why did I expect something out of nothing? Tell me." The nightmare was coming back to me more and more. I said "I can stand up on my own."

"Are you sure?" Carl asks, "You're still recovering from the wound, it's only been a couple hours. You got knocked the hell out right after the trigger was pulled." "I can do it." I say. "I have to." "Okay." He lets me try walking, but my legs felt like jello and my heart was racing. I took one step, and my legs gave up immediately. I was embarrassed I couldn't even walk because of an injury. "It's okay to be weak sometimes," Carl says, supporting me. "After being shot in the gut, I was in bed for three days at most. Don't push yourself." I sigh and agreed, "Yeah, I shouldn't be pushing myself too hard." "Do you want to stay in your cell or?" Carl asks. "I'd rather stay in the cafeteria or somewhere I don't feel too alone."

"Sure." He says. As Carl supports me, I try my best to walk, which doesn't really work out. "Stop trying to walk on you own." He says. "You know I won't 'cause I'm stubborn and don't really like being dependent on people." "We both know that's true." He smiles. "Again, why do you have to be so damn adorable?"

"Carl," Beth calls, "Can you go and check the perimeter, most of the people who usually do it aren't here and-" "I get it.**" He lets me sit down on one of the chairs in the cafeteria. I wave bye to him and he waves back as well. Beth sits next to me. "So, how's your eye?" "Well, it doesn't hurt much and that's pretty much it other than the loss of strength." "Oh," she says, "How's your boyfriend?" I turned away in embarrassment. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say.

"I'm pretty sure that the walkers outside of America heard Rick scream "My boy got a girlfriend."" Beth remarks. "He screams extremely loud." I mutter. "How is he? Daryl was right, about that you two kissed." "He's- wait what." I stopped when I heard "Daryl was right, about that you two kissed." "Daryl said something like "I told 'em that they're going to kiss sooner or later, I walk away for two minutes and the two of 'em were kissing."" "That fucking snitch." I thought angrily.

"..." I muttered under my mask. "Fucking snitching bitch.." "Anyways, how is he? Answer that question, then I'll give you your bag. If you give me proof that you two are together, I'll give you your rifle back." "What the fuck Beth? Are you seriously doing that?" I ask her. She nods, interested in my answer. I said, "He's doing well considering his mom died and all of the shit that happened. For the second question, proof? Isn't wearing his hat evidence enough? He literally never takes it off."

"Mhm. Okay, I believe you. I'ma go get your stuff now okay." Beth says, standing up. I was waiting for Beth to come back. "AAHHHHH!!!" I heard a scream from somewhere in the prison. "Oh god.. Who's that?" I sigh, "There's nothing I can do about that. I'm far too injured, I shouldn't push myself to do things I'm not physically able to do right now." I see Beth running over to me with both my bag and my gun. I wave at her as she gives me my stuff back. I slung my backpack on my shoulder. I released the mag and saw six bullets.

I see a group coming our way, I didn't recognize any of them. I raised my rifle and aimed for the biggest one. He had a blue beanie, a beard and a plain tee. "Don't shoot!" The one I aimed for yells. I take my eye away from the scope to see a little girl waving her hand in front of me. "I've been here forever! How haven't you noticed me?" I was shocked. She looked like Kaitlin. She was about five or six years old, fair skin and brown straight hair. "Are you alright?" I felt a single tear fall. I wiped it away and said "I'm fine." "Then why do you have that patch on?" "You shouldn't know." "Are you a pirate?" She asked.

"No, I'm just a girl who wants to protect those she loves." "Kay!" A woman next to the beanie guy called. I look to the left and see Carl leading them. I must've had a sad look in my eye since Carl asked me, "What's wrong?"

"She looks just like Kaitlin." I say. "She looks like her when she was a little kid.." I opened my bag to show a picture of my family, my sister and I*** were in the middle. I was hugging my sister while she was giving a big smile. My mother and father gave a soft smile. I felt another tear coming down, I put the picture away before anyone else would see.

"I'm really sorry that the kid gives you bad memories, but we have to move on from the past. That world's gone."

"I know."

"We have bigger problems, we need to figure out what to do with the newcomers."

"Do you trust them?" I ask.

"How can you trust anyone anymore?" He retorts.

"You trusted me even with the mask, you trusted your gut. Do you trust them?"

"No." He answers. "I'm going back to my cell." I say, excusing myself. I stood up slowly and limped there slowly.


September 6th, 2011


It's been about eight hours and I was staring at the ceiling.**** Considering that the sun in pouring through the window. I decided to lay in my bed for the rest of the day, until I decide to get my fucking ass up and get some food.

Other than that I think I'll..


*The hell did I turn Rick into.

**How many times has The Walking Dead said this phrase? Like, someone, make a compilation of this.

***Jesus, I nearly wrote "My sister and eye."

****I keep writing "Cieling" instead of "Ceiling" dammit.

What do I do now?

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