3.0: Cause And Effect

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Trigger warning at the end

Also if one of you people give me a homophobic comment at the end GTFO.

BTW I'm crying IRL HELp..


October 17, 2011


5 hours before.


I hear my stomach growl, howling in pain. "What the hell?" I say, talking to my stomach. It was causing me more pain than I am already in. At this point, I'm becoming more and more crazier than I thought. "Dammit. I want my rifle back so badly." I walk, struggling to keep my strength. I see a couple buildings in the distance. I then thought, "Hey, there might be some food there." I began running toward the building, adrenaline taking over my hunger. I had a smile on my face as soon as I see the giant building seem to become closer and closer.




I tripped on my own fucking foot. I sigh, rubbing my head. I stand up, brushing the dirt off of my leather jacket. "...Shit." I say. I was only wearing a tank top with my leather jacket, with skinny jeans. This isn't good for survival. Consider how north I am in the U.S, it's bound to get cold up in this shit.

I sigh and breath, the building seemed like it was occupied with food, water, materials. I felt extremely angry because I literally alone, with a small amount of bullets. I shiver, holding my cold arms and walking forward. "Wow." I thought, "This used to be a store. Now it looks like it's straight out of hell."

I approach the door and try pushing it open, budging it slightly. I push it once more, giving me enough space to squeeze through. I now need to do the same to the other set of doors. I ran towards the door, trying to kick the glass, wanting it to break. After gaining momentum, then kicking it multiple times, and I failed. Multiple times.

I grabbed my gun out of anger, shooting the door multiple times. The gun's slide stayed back, giving me a sign saying "Yo, you ran out of bullets." I punch the glass giving me way to enter it. My knuckles were bloody and most probably going to get infected by the glass. "I probably deserved this." I thought to myself. I walk toward the aisles in the distance, wanting to find food or something.

I entered the first aisle I saw, I hear something. "Shit." I mutter. I heard a small growl, followed with what, a thousand growls? Something like that. I let go of the can I was holding and ran towards the nearest enclosed room. Because. Enclosed rooms either are empty or filled with walkers. 50/50 chance. "Restrooms to the right." I bolted to the bathrooms and kicked the door open. I closed it and locked it. "MOTHER OF GOD WHAT THE HELL IS MY LUCK!!"

I opened a stall and stood on a toilet. I don't want the door to open and me being overwhelmed with geeks.


October 17th, 2011




Oh yeah, I might've over exaggerated my side of the story. I didn't kill the walkers. I lied to so many people, even the one who's going to read it. This is redemption for what I've done. I made myself look as if I was a good person who has done bad deeds.

But the truth is. My sister wasn't bitten by a walker. It was a burn mark from me. I pushed her towards a stove when I was little. She probably died because of a flu or something. I didn't care what happened to her. Actually, I didn't care what happened to anyone. I was happy when I killed my mom. I imagined more than thousands of scenarios she could've died. Oh yeah, what happened to my dad? I found him in one of my searches, dead. Overdosed on sleeping meds. I lied about all their fates, I'm sorry.

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