0.6: Tears

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July 13th, 2010


"Piss off. Go find your stupid brother. I'm not helping this time, I'll stay here, protect camp." I announced. I turned my safety on and Shane called me, "Kid, give your gun." I passed to him. He checked the magazine, 15 bullets, a whole mag. I said, "Do you want me to give my sister's knife as well, leave us defenceless?" "I'm not doing that. I just want you guys to feel like kids, kids that don't carry guns or knives around." I roll my eyes at Shane's statement.

"I'm going to wander around, if that's not against the rules or some shit." I say. I look at the vehicle Glenn was driving, it was stripped down to metal. I looked at the lake below. I stare at it for a while, observing as usual. I feel someone tap my shoulder, it was the sheriff's son. I stare at boy. I said, "Wow..You don't look like your dad. Just slightly with the hair and the eyes. Most likely if you grow your hair, it'd be wavy, due to your mom having straight hair, and your dad having-" The boy furrows his eyebrows in confusion. I said "Sorry.. I'm just used to predicting stuff. Name's Ghost. Used to be a gamer." "Carl Grimes." He holds his hand to shake it. I shake it and said, "I'm not really used to this. It's just.. This random virus breaking out... I should probably stop talking." "Don't worry, my dad'll protect us," He says with a smile. "What happened to your family?" Carl asks and explains. "You don't talk much about yourself, only ways to survive and threats, that's pretty much it."

"My dad.. I don't know where he is or what happened to him. My mom died because of the stupid monsters. Only my sister and I are left." I mutter. Carl said, "Sorry about that. You want to catch frogs with Shane and I?" I nod, "I guess so." Kaitlin saw me talking to Carl, she then whistled*, "Go get 'em!"

Carl rolled his eyes, I then flipped my little sister off. Kaitlin then called out, "Yeah, yeah, fuck you too!" I said "Welp, let's go before she makes a ship name. Race you down there!" I took off, running towards the trail. I took a short break to look behind me, and realized that Carl was right behind me. I decided to let him run before me, besides I don't really want to waste my energy. I look down the trail and saw both boys waiting for me. I wave at them, and asked them "How we are gonna cook the frogs? Are we gonna fry them, barbeque them? 'Cause I got some chocolate I'm actually willing to share!"

Shane asks, "You aren't afraid to get your hands dirty, right?" I said, "First let me take my backpack off, then I'll be ready to get my hands dirty." I went near the rocks and placed my bag there, so the waves wouldn't be able to reach it. I rolled up my leather sleeves and got ready to catch some frogs. Shane then explained the game plan. "So you're gonna help me lead the frogs over to Carl, and Carl's gonna get as many as possible. Got it? Give me a Hell's yeah!" "Yeah!" Carl said, pumping a fist in the air. I said, "Hell yeah!" Shane got a bucket and started chasing frogs in the water. I held my breath and looked for the frogs.

I surfaced and angrily stated, "There isn't any frogs!!" I look at Shane frustrated and said "Thanks for making me believe that we can have chocolate frogs. I'm going to my tent." I couldn't believe that asshole, I grabbed my backpack before I went to my tent. As I walk up the trail, I see Carl's mom walking down. She waves at me as I stomp angrily. I see my sister trying to contain her laughter, but failing miserably. I told her to shut up. My sister whispered in my ear "You shouldn't have worn a black bra with a white tank top." I flushed red. "I am so glad I have this mask on." I thought as I walked towards my tent.

I look around if there's any peeping toms and went into my tent to change. I took off my leather jacket and the rest of my clothes. I changed into a black tank top and some black denim shorts. And for some reason in the process of this, I didn't take my mask off, don't question it. I put my black leather jacket and combat boots on and said, "Man.. I look badass as FUCK!"

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