2.3: I Write About Rose Anne Possessing a Seven Year Old Not Bibles

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October 8th, 2011


I then chose to go down to the grassland, bored at observing the rest of the people at the prison. I stand up and then, "Kyleigh!" I hear Rick call me. "We need you to be in Cell Block A, for quarantine. You're the only one that can't be infected." "That's true, this mask filters the air." "Gotcha!" I say, running down the stair and walked to the Cell Block A. I crossed paths with many of the people at the prison. I see Sasha walking down the hall, away from Cell Block C. She started coughing violently. I ran over to her and said "Follow me, we have to get you quarantined." "Aren't-" She bursts into a fit of cough, I draped her arm over my shoulder, supporting her. I began making my way to Cell Block A.

I opened the door and said "They'll take care of you." I closed the DAMN DOOR and left. I walk past Glenn, who was coughing as well, "Damn.. Everyone's sick." I walked towards my cell and reviewed my supplies. I had three boxes of 7.62 mm bullets, 15 0.45 mm bullets, and a bottle of water. I zipped my backpack up and walked to the quarantine, ready to kill any of the sick ones if they turn.

I enter the quarantine and saw the coughing people. I chose to sit up above all of everyone, just to make sure the one's that aren't dead don't get killed by the dead. I was sitting up on the railing and my legs were dangling above most of the people. "You know," Hershel called me, "You're scaring the patients." "So?" I asked. "Go do something productive, maybe get some berries. I need it for remedy." He tells me. "Okay." I agreed. I turned around to slide off and I felt my boots touch the ground and went down the stairs. I asked "How do they look like?" "Like blue berries." He says, patting my back.

I walked past all the sick, Glenn was coughing really badly, so was Sasha. Kay was worried for Sasha. Kay's waiting in front of the door, crying. I open the door and said "Don't go there.. You'll get hurt." The fair skinned girl turned seven a couple days ago. "But!" She tried to rebuttal, "No." I said, stopping her. I walk past the girl and sped fast to the forest behind the prison. I open the office door of the jail and saw Carl pacing. "What's up?" I greeted him.

"Are you okay?" He says worried, "You aren't sick, right?" "Don't worry," I say, "My mask has filters, which protect me from the virus." "I'm glad." He says, hugging me. "Are you alright?" I ask. "I can't be with my little sister until this thing blows over." He answers, poison lacing his words.

"It'll be alright," I say, comforting him. "I need to go." I let go of my boyfriend. I walked to the exit and Carl calls me, "Can I go with you?" "Sure, why not?"

The two of us started picking berries that looked like blue berries. Carl and I went back to the prison. "I.. killed a human. A survivor." "..What?" I asked him. "I know we promised not to kill humans unless they forced our hand. But he was a part of the Governor's group, and he pulled his gun on us first." He reasoned. "I get why you killed him." I say, walking to the office. "I'll deliver these to Hershel, I talk to you later."

"You too.." He says, sadly. I opened the door and ran over to Cell Block A. I open the door to see Hershel taking care of the patients, I handed him the berries and said "Here you go."


October 9th, 2011


I woke up to some gunfire. "Wh-huh-What?" I drowsily say. I grab my rifle, pistol and bag, and I turned the safety off. I started running to A Block. I see so many walkers killing humans. I line my sight with the gun's and started to shoot them down. I heard footsteps and pointed my pistol behind me. I was about to pull the trigger, it was Maggie. "Shit, the hell's happening?!" I ask Maggie. "Cover me, I'm going to help my dad!" She runs off. "Dammit." I mutter. I shoot the walkers in front of me. I continued shooting, I heard two clicks. "SHIT! I'm out of ammo!" I kicked a human eater away and quickly unzipped my bag, grabbing a box of ammo. "Dammit, I don't have any fucking mags."

I quickly dropped the box and started using my rifle. "Ten bullets. Make 'em count." I see the closest one. "One.." I changed my focus over to the one nearest to the walker near the stairway. "Two." I felt a tug on my jacket, "PIECE OF-" The walker was shot by Tyreese. I made a run to the staircase and butted the walkers with the end of rifle. I started killing the walkers. "Nine.. Ten." I ran out of ammo, I didn't have time to reload.

I push the walker back with the back of my rifle. I see the walkers I were fighting off fall to the ground. Kay was holding a revolver. "Good job." She keeps the revolver up, "It'll all be alright." I comforted her. She puts the gun down. "I-I-I did good?" She stuttered. "They aren't humans anymore." I say.

"Okay." She say, handing the revolver to me. "You're a good shot," I say, checking the bullets. "And you're a pirate." She snaps sassily. "Jesus, did you get sassier the last month?" I ask her. "Fuck yeah!" She says with a smile. "No cursing. Well, until you're ten." I scold her. "Okay, MRS. GRIMES!" She smiles.

"WHAT IN THE LIVING HELL HAPPENED TO THIS CHILD. THE FUCK ROSE ANNE. DID SHE FUCKING POSSESS THE KID?!?" I thought rapidly, my cheeks red. I grabbed her by shoulder, "Did Rose Anne possess you?" "No answer." "MAGGIE, GET ME THE DAMN BIBLES!!!" She didn't answer. "GET ME THE DAMN BIBLES!!" I scream. "HOW ABOUT NO?!!!" She screams back.


What do you want me to scream back?

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