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September 5th, 2011


(*///*) Kyleigh's Point Of View (*///*)


"He kissed me. Oh my god. He likes me." I thought. "My eye's gone as well. Half my vision- gone down the drain. Wait.. What if he kissed me out of pity? Just because he knows I like him and that he wants to comfort me? Oh.. I should get my hopes up. Who would even like a one eyed girl anyways?" I pick up the peroxide bottle, grabbed another cotton and flipped the bottle overfilling the cotton with peroxide. I take a breather and then dabbed my left eye. "Ow.." I mutter as stinging begins. I touch my shoulder, realizing my backpack wasn't there. My sister's memoir is in there. I turned my body away from the wall that the bed leaned on. I tried standing up, and I immediately fell. I try pushing myself up, I dragged myself onto a wall, which I lean on. I curse. "Dammit. Why the fuck did you do that Rose Anne? Was your loyalty to your group that important?" "Wow. Now, I'm talk to someone who's dead." I touched my left cheek, all I felt was blood on that side of my face. I sighed and said "Fuck it. I'm sleeping."




I had my mask on and my rifle beside me. I stand up, not feeling as weak as before, and touched my cheek. I moved my hand towards my eye, I can see with both eyes now. "This must be a dream." I look at the rest of the room to see my friend, Rose Anne and my family. I walk towards the people I lost, they weren't who I thought they were. They weren't themselves. They had chains around their neck like Michonne's walkers. They began peeling the skin off their face. I stop my sister from clawing away at her flesh.

"Don't!" I held her wrists and she looks at me with the horrid eyes of the walkers. "Why aren't you letting me do this? You like watching people in pain, but use me as an excuse. Aren't you going to be happy this is happening?" "No!" I plead to her. "I-I don't use you as an excuse! I killed those people because they were a threat to us! I don't want you to think you're an excuse for me to kill!"

"Are you sure?" Rose Anne speaks. I turn to see her standing in front of me, holding her gun. "You sure seem like you enjoy watching us suffer. You locked the gates. You killed Arveen. You killed Nico. You killed Nico. You killed me. You killed your own sister. I knew you wouldn't have a chance with Carl, I had to do it to make you happy. But in the end, you're going to get him killed as well." I started crying. "I'm don't enjoy killing!" I scream at them. "I-I had to, i-it was them or my sister and I! I-I-I-I'm not going to kill him!! I don't - I don't-" "You don't what?" Rose Anne spoke. "You don't care about life? You don't what? You don't what Kyleigh!!"

"Pathetic." My mom spoke. "I taught you how to be invulnerable emotionally. I taught you to suppress those feelings of love and protect you sister!! But you're just another worthless piece of shit. You couldn't do the something I told you to do. Tch. Why did I expect something out of nothing? Tell me."

"I-I I tried my best, I did! I wasn't- I'm not worthless! I'm.. I.." I cried. These tears were drowning me now. I felt so much anger.. pain.. and sadness.. These emotions were killing me. Rose Anne said "See? Everyone knows under that emotional shell of yours, you're just a monster." She pulls the trigger and shot me in the eye. I felt the blood pour more and more, covering every inch of my hands, up to my fore arms.

"Why did I fall for a monster like you?" I hear Carl say. He was outside of the cell. He held a key to the lock. "Now you're where you belong, in a cage." "I'm not a monster." I say, holding the bars of my cell. "I'm not a fucking monster!! I'm not one of them!!" I scream, shaking the bars. Carl pulls a gun out and shoots the key, shattering it.

"Please.. Don't leave me.." I cried.


(✿˵•́ ‸ •̀˵) Beth's Point Of View (✿˵•́ ‸ •̀˵)


Dad told me to go check on Ghost. She was shot dead in the eye, I'm surprised she isn't dead. I turned the corner to see that she wasn't on the bed and Carl isn't back. He told me that he was going to get bandages so the eye wouldn't get infected. I turned around to see her, in the corner. Hopefully, sleeping. I sat down and touched her shoulder. "Hello?" I ask her. "Ghost, you're alive, right?" I see her head move up. "What..?" She asked really drowsily. "Hey, Carl's getting the bandages for that eye of yours. You'll be alright."

Ghost says, "Am I actually going to be alright? Most of the people I cared for, who said that they're going to always be by my side, went up and died. I didn't feel pity when I killed my mom, then my sister died and I wasn't strong enough to kill her myself. We made a death pact before this happened. If one of us died for the other, we were supposed to hear their dying wish.. But I didn't get to hear her's. I guess this was retribution for me breaking that promise."

"It'll be alright, if you're still here, breathing and alive and safe, you'll be alright. You just need a break from the things that happened." I tried to comfort her. "My mom and my step-mom died on the first days of the apocalypse. I thought that there wasn't hope for us, that we shouldn't be existing in a world like this. But there is, there is hope."

"How can you be so happy?" She asks. "I'm looking at the good that's come out of this. I'm trying to stay positive. Besides, you have Carl.. That should be enough of a reason to be happy?"

"I..I don't know if he kissed me out of pity or if he actually loves me." Ghost says. "I can't believe I lost the bet." "Hey guys.." The boy we were talking about appears with bandages in his hands. "Speak of the devil.." I hear Ghost say quietly. "Do you want to wrap it?" Carl asks me. "No thank you, I'm fine.. She should be taken care of by someone close to her." I answer with a smile.


凸(^U^)凸 Kyleigh's Point Of View凸(^U^)凸


"I'm sorry if it seemed to rushed.. or that you didn't like it." Carl apologizes. "N-No, it's not that." "Why did I fall for a monster like you? Now you're where you belong, in a cage." I shake the thought and said, "It's just.. why would you kiss me? A monster like me." I asked, keeping my head down. "I.. like you a lot." He says, wrapping the left side of my head. I said "Why though.. I killed so many people.." "You're a fighter, you don't let anything get past you. You're also protective of those you love." Carl says, smiling at me. "Thank you.. I like you a lot too.." I hugged him.


No choices for this chappie. I think I found my favorite song. It's called "Ghost Rule." Listen to it. If you guys haven't noticed, I have an addiction to ghosts.

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