2.0: A Ton Of Carleigh Before A War

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September 6th, 2011


"No thanks, but if you find any bullets or a different gun for me to use." I requested. "Okay." Michonne kept my wish in mind. I chose to go over the Judith's crib and watch over her. I felt calm when with little kids in this hell. It reminds me that there might be a future for this world. She rolling around in her DIY crib. I watched over her, she was peaceful.

I exit the room, wishing the world wouldn't be hell anymore. I open my cell door and rested on the bed. "I should probably go sleep." I laid in silence for a minute. "Nah.. I'd be bored." I grab my backpack and searched for a comic or a manga to read. "The hell haven't I read yet?" I thought. "I do NOT want to be caught reading Tokyo Ghoul by one of the survivors," I thought about reading a story of the one-eyed ghoul. "I could also read Iron Fist or Harley Quinn.." I didn't care what the others would think, I chose to open up the only issue of the manga.

"Ghouls are legit the walkers that.. killed my family.. and destroyed at least 50% of the world.." I thought sadly. I placed the manga on my face.. "I should actually sleep.."


September 7th, 2011


"Six days.." I thought. "Six days until Kaitlin's birthday." I look at the book that's currently on my head. I grab the book and continued reading it. ""I'm not a protagonist of a novel or anything," says the protagonist of a damn manga. Did they really have to put that line?" I question the writer's intentions. I chose to take a lazy day rather than being productive like a regular ass human being during the fucking apocalypse.

I also need to rethink what has happened to me the last couple weeks.

I found Rose Anne on a run for guns, she tried shooting me in the foot, multiple times. She and I were basically running with a bag of guns, whacking deadummies left and right. I nearly go bit by a muerto while fighting them off, I also found out leather versus deadummies: leather wins. I went to the prison with Rose Anne and we killed walkers, and met up with Rick and the gang. I started developing feelings for Carl, and Rose Anne started teasing me about it. She would do random shit trying to get us together. Kaitlin died, became a walker, and died again. Rose Anne then locked us in a room together and getting Maggie and Beth to bet if we'll kiss or not.

I also tried killing her or pistol whipping her on multiple occasions. Rose Anne and I had a really shitty fight. Carl and I kissed after Rose Anne blew my FUCKING EYE OUT!!!!!! And.. there was a fire fight and I verbally fought Merle. Then I took a look at my eye and I was like "Oh shit, I look like a fucking walker, the hell." And.. Now I'm here.. Just wondering what the hell happened this and last week. "Well shit." I said boredly. I chose to get my ass up and try killing the walkers in the field. I walked down the stairs and see Glenn and Merle arguing. "The Governor stripped your woman and now you pussy out like that!!" Glenn socks Merle in the face, "Go Glenn!" I say cheering for him. The two brawl it out for a while, Michonne got back from her run with the Grimes. Maggie grabbed Glenn and Michonne unsheathed her sword making Merle back off.

"Don't you want to kill the Governor?! Join me and we'll end this." Merle urges Michonne as the couple leaves and I'm just there. I walk away from the conversation.

It's been one hour and I'm just sitting in the cafeteria, with no one to hang out with.

"Where's everyone?" Rick asks me. "I don't know, there was a brawl and-" "Get the rest over here." He says, cutting me off.

"Rude prick." I thought angered. I raise my rifle and shot the ceiling, creating a loud boom. Most of them ran over as soon as they heard the gunshot. I counted the heads, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. We're here." I say. "There's nine of us." Rick says. "Yeah, if we're counting bodies, aka Merle, whose head's about to be blown out, so there's only eight heads." "We're going to war, the Governor wants us dead." Rick announces, "The fuck did I get into?"

I went to my room, not caring about the war. I grabbed my water bottle and drank out of it, "Damn, already out of water." I threw the water bottle at the wall and grabbed my Tokyo Ghoul* manga and started reading it. "Hey," I see Carl at the doorway, smiling at me. I stood up and hugged him, "You're alright, right?" "Of course, Michonne told me to give you this pistol." He says, handing me it. The pistol had the words "Colt Gold Cup," engraved in it. "Thanks," I tell him. I sat back on my bed, Carl sits next to me and unclips the mask from my face. "What was that f-" I was cut off from him kissing me on the lips. I felt like a freaking habanero pepper was in my mouth. I take my mask from his hands, "W-Why did do th-that?" "Because I wanted to." He says, pecking me on my cheek. I quickly put my mask on and continue reading my manga. I said "We're going to war soon.. I get why you wanted to kiss me, but shouldn't you get ready?" "Says the one who's reading a book." "I have boxes of ammo in my bag, two guns by my side and good aim." "And I have the best sniper in the world as my girlfriend." He says, placing his head on my shoulder. "Don't ever stop being so damn adorable." I say, hugging him. "Oh my god, I ship you two so much." I hear someone say, while running across the hall.


*Nearly wrote "Tokyo Ghost"

ANYWAYS! Choose what to do next!

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