2.1: 31 Days

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September 7th, 2011


"I'm going to actually prepare, like you said. We won't know when they'll attack." Carl says, standing up to leave. I nod, I continue to sit on the bed. "I should probably start doing something productive to help up." I see that there were people doing what they could do to prepare for the war. "Nevermind. The Greene's and the others got it." I put my manga in my backpack, zipping it up. I stood up and started walking towards the forest, outside the prison.

"It appears the country will soon meet it's fate, torn to pieces by it's people, crumbled under their hate. The masses claim the justice will be brought on us today, I won't see it through. They will not get their way." I hummed "Servant of Evil." I dodged the walkers since that they were too far apart to actually kill me. I started climbing the prison fence, trying to not touch the barbed wire.

It's been about fifteen minutes, I found a tree far enough the Governor won't see me with his one eye and close enough to the prison. I grab a branch of the tree and one of other branches. I placed one foot on the trunk and pulled myself up. I sat on the biggest branch, catching my breath. I was sitting here for about an hour now and my ass is itchy as fuck after sitting on a branch. I hear gunshots and looked at the madness through my scope. I put the Governor's head through my crosshairs. "Gotcha." I say. I hesitated pulling the trigger, "What if I miss? They'd know my location, then I'd be screwed over."

I put down my rifle and waited until the Governor's troops left, or at least went into the prison. I saw all the walkers be shot down by the troops. "Shit, he wasn't kidding. Damn lot of ammo." I thought. The Governor then commanded from the truck for the Woodbury soldiers to do into groups? At least, that's how it seemed like. Three groups, all going different directions. "I can kill him now, and let the others kill me or-" I heard a growl interupt my thoughts.

"Oh." I said, kicking the walker's head. It fell back and got back up, I jump down while kicking it in the head. I stomped on the walker's head and then there were more gunfire. Maggie and Glenn were up there shooting the Governor's men, who were falling like flies. I pulled out my Colt Gold and shot at them, two of the men fall down. The others soon went out of my sight, I sigh and climb the fence. Again.

Rick was walking out the prison gates with Michonne and Daryl. "Where's the asshole? Wasn't he- What the hell happening? There's too much shit that hit the fan today." I walked over the dead corpses of the walkers. "Ghost-" Hershel calls. "Call me Kyleigh, I've been with group long enough that I could trust you guys.. I guess." "Kyleigh, can you stand watch here with Beth?" Hershel asks me. "Sure." I say.

I sit on the grass in front of the gate. "How are you? You didn't get hurt, right?" I ask, worried. "I'm fine, you shot down the one attacking us." "Carl killed him, I just made sure he didn't reanimate." I truthfully told. There was a herd slowly approaching us. "The hell?" I cursed. It was herd of people, living people. "Rick! The fuck is this?!" I yelled at him. I open the gate with Beth to let our group back in. "These people are going to join us." Rick says bluntly. "That's too many mouths to feed. What if a plague hits? We'll have a shitton of walkers on our hands." I thought ahead. I sigh, knowing I can't go against his decision.

I walked towards the prison and saw Carl angered. "They're a part of our group now, ask your dad." "Does he know we only have a month's worth of supplies for our group right?" "Considering we have twenty plus people joining, probably not." I reply, opening the second fence. "I've gotta talk to him about this." He stomps off angrily. I continued walking towards the prison. I open up the door, thinking. "Will we actually survive this?"


October 7th, 2011


I was looking at the books in the library, my mask by my side. "Where's The Call Of Cthulhu?" I thought, searching for the book. It's been a month since the Governor's attack and our group became bigger and bigger, and we created a garden. It felt like I wasn't a killer, just regular girl. It seemed close to normal. Too close, "I want this lifestyle to be forever, but.. one wrong move could kill us all." I thought. I finally found the leather bound book and flipped through the pages. "No blood on the pages." I see my boyfriend standing near the doorway, waving at me. I wave back with a smile.

I walk towards him and as we were about to leave to the guard tower we hung out in, we heard in our earshot. "Today, we're talking about knives." Carol says. I look at Carl and said "She's teaching them how to survive." "But, we don't want them to worry-" "Worrying's what kept us alive." I say, "Fear, death, and greed. Those things kept us alive." He then says, "C'mon, we shouldn't think like that," Carl kisses my cheek, "Let's go." I held his hand while walking towards the tower.

"Carl! Kyleigh!" I hear a girl say, while running toward us. "What is it?" I ask with a smile. "Do you want to hang out with us?" Lizzie smiles. "Um.. Sure." I answer. I urged Carl to follow Lizzie and I, which he reluctantly does. "Meet our friends! That's Mike, Lily, and-" "You're naming walkers?" I asked in disbelief. "They're not people, Lizzie. They had names when they were alive. But now they're killers, they eat people." "People kill people, they have names." Lizzie retorts. "You know what I'm talking about, right Kyleigh? You killed lots of people before."

I was shocked, but kept my composure. "Don't bring that up, got it." I take a deep breath and said "I'm going for a run." I say, running off. "Kyleigh!" Carl called me, I ignored him. I ran to my cell opening the door, and cried. I sit on my bed and felt my tears fall down. "You killed Arveen. You killed Nico. You killed me. You killed your own sister. I knew you wouldn't have a chance with Carl, I had to do it to make you happy. But in the end, you're going to get him killed as well." I remembered Rose Anne's words from that nightmare. "I'm not.. I'm not a killer.. I'm not a killer.. I'm just a ghost. Another MoNsTER. Just a-" "Kyleigh." Carl says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Please stop crying," he says wiping my tears. "I don't want my sunshine crying." "C-Carl?" I look at him. He kisses the top of my head, "Don't cry, I don't want you to cry."

I felt the leather book I held slowly slip away, "I-I'll try n-not to.." "I'm going to get some food for us to eat." He told me. I nod at him. He stands up and leaves my cell. I touch my bandages, "Am I truly monster?" I have a scarred eye and killed people, people who were my friends.

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