0.5: Can We Have Chocolate Frogs?

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July 12th, 2010


I then said, backing off, "I'm not gonna fight you, but I will prove I'm one hell of a good shot." I grabbed the pistol from my bag and turned the safety of. I took a deep breath, my heart was beating crazily. I thought to myself "Shoot, in 3..2..1!" The gunshot rang for miles. The muerto I shot fell to the ground, I think it was one the undead monsters in the back of the crowd of human eaters.

"I told you so," I say as I walked up to him, "BITCH!" I then pistol whipped him with my Glock 19. "You bitch!" The man yelled. Rick and co. heard the gunshots up here. I turned the safety back on my Glock. Rick questioned "What the hell's happening right now?!" "Shooting each other for fun." I said, snarkily.* "Nope, I was actually winning a bet." "Ghost! You're only supposed to use the gun in case you're in trouble." Rick scolded me. Kaitlin came up, hugged me while crying and said "I t-thought something," She sniffles, hiccupping as well, "Bad happened to you.." I hugged her and said "Don't worry about me. I'm only here to protect you." She continued crying, placing her head in the nook of my neck. The others were arguing with the asshole who challenged me. I look at the man with "Brooklyn" shirt, who was called T-Dog, fighting the jerk, named Merle Dixon.

The group was discussing what to do. I said "I'm going downstairs to check if there's any deadummies in the building, just in case." My sister continue to cling onto me. Kaitlin then said "I'm going with you." I smile to myself, knowing my sister cares. "Sure." I agreed. We both walked down the stairs, I saw the walkers breaking the first wall of defence. I asked Kaitlin, "Do you have more space in your backpack?" Kaitlin nods. I said "Search for things we may need in the future." Rick and blondie came down to watch the glass doors. After two minutes of searching, Kaitlin was in awe of something. "What is it?" Rick asks. "It's so cute." Kaitlin says. I was happy because some of her childishness still survived. Kaitlin was looking at a necklace with a panda charm. I grabbed the necklace from the stand and put it on my little sister. "I have zero respect for authority, so I don't care if a cop's watching me steal something. As long as it makes my sister happy."

Rick then instructed us to stay away from the glass doors. Kaitlin got her knife ready, as I turned the safety off. Rick left us to fend for ourselves? Well shoot. I saw the "not actually a Chinese guy, he's actually a Korean" Guy and Rick holding two walkers with an axe. The two of them are in trench coats as well. After five minutes of watching the glass break slightly more and more. I hear blondie and hispanic dude tell us to follow them. I said "Queen, go ahead, I've got your back!" I hear Kaitlin run, I ran right after.

The group is trying to open the back door to of the story. I ordered them, "It's the one that blondie's holding!" "Gotcha!" Blondie exclaims. We were then questioning the nearing car alarm. I look around the room, "It's either Rick or Korean dude." T-Dog then came in screaming, "They're here, they're here!" Blondie and I yelled "Open the door." I held my little sister's hand. She looked scared, extremely scared. "It'll be alright." I comforted her. When the door opened, I pushed little sister so she'll get into the car before the rest of us. I see the walkers coming closer and closer behind us. I screamed "Get your shit in right now!!" I jumped into the cargo part of the car. Rick takes the wheel, while the hispanic dude closes the door.

"Thanks guys." I said, thankful we're alive somehow. I introduced myself "Name's Ghost." "Korean guy's Glenn." Rick said. "Andrea," The blonde girl says. "T-Dog," The man with "Brooklyn" says. "Queen.." My sister says quietly. The hispanic guy then says "Morales." The short haired woman said "Jacqui."

It feels like hours and I looked at my clearly-broken watch and ask "You guys know what time it is?" "Probably 2 or 3 in the afternoon." Rick answered. My sister then starts humming "Nine In The Afternoon" by Panic! At The Disco. I smiled at her as she lies her head on my shoulder. "I dropped the damn key." T-Dog says. I asked "What key?" "I locked up Merle on the roof." Rick says. "Where's Glenn?" Andrea asks after a slight bit of silence. "Probably joy riding." Rick answers. "Wow," I said, "You say "probably" a lot.. and know the answers to our questions."

After another hour, we finally arrived to this camp of theirs. We met up with Glenn a half hour before when he was, still, joy riding. I saw kids.. They didn't have guns on their pockets. Or blood on their hands or face. Or fear in their eyes, they looked normal. They also didn't haul backpacks with their survival supplies, so important that if you lose them, you die. I didn't see any of that. I saw laughter and kids playing tag and reading comic books. I only saw adults with shotguns and pistols and knives, but that was about it.

I see a young boy with short brown hair go up to Rick calling him "Dad." I move out of the loving family's moment because it seemed like they just reunited. The woman and the boy were hugging Rick. Morales was with his family. I hugged my sister, "We might be safe here." I say.

A man with a blue button up shirt asked us "Who are you?" "I'm Ghost, nice to meet you." "..Shane, there's a tent you can take." I nod at the man. My sister says "Thank you!" I look at my little sister. I look around at the tents, I see the dark blue one. I then open it up to reveal some sleeping bags and a lamp. I put my heavy bags down and lay down on the sleeping bag to the left. My sister says "I'm going to sleep now." I nod. "Good night little sister." I took my mask off and slept.


July 13th, 2010

I woke up and shook my little sister, to signal her to wake up. She then says "5 more minutes, mo-. Sorry, I'm up." I look to the ground, in sorrow and brushed it off. I grab my mask and exit the tent with my bag, my sister's bag, and Kaitlin, who was still rubbing her eyes. I see a short haired woman doing the laundry, I was going to ask her "Do you know what's going on right now? You know, the dead people walking. Why the living hell are you doing the damn laundry?!" But I didn't.

I see Rick talking to his wife, I turned to see my little sister. Wait.. She's not there. I see her talking to the other kids in the group. My sister called to me, "Me and others are going to the forest." I gave her the thumbs up, she still has her knife. She could protect them. I ate some berries I got from the short haired woman from before, her name was Carol. After five minutes, I hear an ear piercing scream. I ran the direction Kaitlin was going. I see a man with a crossbow which was pissed because my sister "stole his kill" or whatever. My guess is the walker came across the deer and ate it, and the deer was Crossbow's prey. I said "Sorry about your dead deer, which got eaten by a monster, but-" "I needed to kill the bastard, but this bitch," he said pointed to my sister, "Stole my kill." "I'm extremely sorry.." I say with a bitchload of sarcasm, "Now, can you stop whining like a bitch?!"

The man angrily stormed off, "I got some squirrels, dozen or so, I guess they'll have to do." He kicked the head of the walker Kaitlin killed. "Merle!" Merle 2.0 yelled. "Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! Got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up." Shane then said "Slow up, I got something to tell you." I stepped back. "Queen, stay back. This'll get ugly." Shane basically told what happened to Merle. Daryl got pissed, tried to hit Rick with the squirrel. Shane semi-tackled Daryl, T-Dog dropped the wood, got into the fight as well. Daryl pulled a knife, I muttered "Shit." I pulled out my gun, turned safety off and pointed it at Merle 2.0.

That move stopped the fight right then and there. I commanded "Put the knife down." "Do ya think that I'm scared of a little girl?" He asked, facing me. I knew he was about two feet taller than me, but I have better aim and a long range weapon. "C'mon! Shoot me, I dare ya!" I...


*snarkily means sarcastically.

Now you guys choose, do I pull the trigger damaging or killing Daryl or put the gun down?

This is also for the next chapter, should I go with Rick to find Merle or protect camp with Shane?

Just A GhostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora