Chapter 1-2 (Alan's Side)- Perspective

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I was standing in the middle of the shops in the airport,I needed to stop moving for a while so I could text my friend but then something came to mind.

"I wonder why parents are just sending me to Northampton?, They didn't even tell me in advance because if they did I would know but no they just told me yesterday" I thought to myself feeling a bit suspicious.

I was wondering if my parents were hiding something from me and they're sending me back in England so I wouldn't get suspicious. But the Idea escaped through my mind and I just kept walking.

I walked to the centre of the airport and it was a huge wave of people getting to their flights or returning here to their home or vacation,As I walked along I see some people hugging each other either saying farewell to them or welcoming them back from their journey.

I felt a bit tired walking through the airport So I went to the lounge to look for a place to relax in a few hours.

"Wonder how Grandma and Grandpa are doing at Northampton." I said taking out my phone.

As I took out my phone I got a text from my friend Eve

(By the way Some people I'll be including here will be a reference to my friends so be on the look out if someone's name is familiar here :D)

Eve: Yo Alan what's up?

Alan: Hey Eve,yeah I'm just heading to UK today

Eve: Oh Cool, Why're you going to UK?

Alan: Eh...Parents are sending me to college

Eve: Wow, I thought you're parents were fine with you dropping out of high school to continue your music.

Alan: Nah, They fear I wouldn't get a job when I'm old enough so they're sending me to UK.

Eve: Seriously? Isn't your music technically your job?

Alan: I don't really consider it a "job" it's more like a hobby.

Eve: I didn't know that

Eve: Well I gotta go My grandparents are here and they're gonna think I'm texting my "Boyfriend"

Alan: Heh, Well see ya Eve.

I turn off my phone and boredom struck me in the face again, so I grabbed my laptop and started trying to work on my new Remix.

*4 Minutes later*

"I feel like I've made enough progress" I thought to myself looking at My new work. I felt quite hungry since I haven't eaten in hours so I decided to close my laptop and head for the cafe.

I stood up from my seat and walked through the lounge to the cafe,My mind continued to wander on why I'm still being sent to U.K. I felt like my parents were lying to me when they told me about sending me to U.K. Because of college I felt like there was a whole different reason for me going to U.K.

I was almost heading at the cafe but I guess I wasn't looking where I was going I bumped into someone.



I opened my eyes and I bumped into a girl who looked like she was the same age as I am.

"S-Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going are you ok-" She apologized but then she suddenly stopped speaking when she looked at me and her expression looked surprised.

"I-It's alright It was my fault" I said offering my hand to her

"U-um Thanks" She grabs my hand and she looked at me with a weird look

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