Chapter 3-3: Calc.

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This chapter has Rin,Alan and Sig in one band trying to create a song, will they succeed?

Sig's P.O.V

My parents weren't too happy about me getting suspended from school because of violence on that bully like I swear that principal is clearly biased, So as a punishment for being suspended I'm not allowed to use the xbox or play games on my computer and I'm only limited to making music in my computer.

Well at least they still let me hang out with my friends, But I didn't have too many friends as most of them are pretty far and they were probably busy.

Before I was about to die of boredom, Rin came up to my room with Alan.

"Hey Sig, Wanna make some music?" Rin asks me and I've never been more happy to say yes

"Totes!, What song are we gonna create?" I asked and we got our equipment ready

I was pretty happy and quite excited because I have at least something to do while I'm suspended from school, as I was getting our equipment ready I noticed that we had guitars and some bass guitars so I figured we were gonna create a Rock song.

"Hey, Sig do you remember that note you looked at on my desk two days ago?" I was immediately surprised on the how she found out about me looking at that small note.

"Y-Yeah what was that about?" I asked and she and Alan just smiled as she takes it from the desk.

Then I realized the note was actually lyrics to a song and I realized that we were gonna try to make that song. I looked at the note and I still quite remembered it to be a kind off sad nostalgic song with a light-heavy beat but the guitars adding up the song.

"Hmm...Lemme try on creating a beat for this song" I look at the note and after my new knowledge of Japanese. I turned on the electric guitar and when it finally started to make a sound I reviewed on the lyrics and started to make a beat.

I tried my best on trying to create a nostalgic feeling on the song, I closed my eyes on trying to focus on trying to hear the beat and after some notes I decided to try and continue on with the beat that I found to have been a perfect match.

After a created a small sample I stopped and looked at Rin and Alan who were both clapping at me for making a nice beat

"That was Awesome! I didn't think of that working" Alan says giving me a big thumbs up and I just smile back at him

"Wow Sig, You've improved quite a lot great going!" Rin looks at me with a thumbs up.

After I created the beat with the guitar I decided on who would play the drums.

"I guess I can play the drums I did play a bit a long time ago" Alan said walking over to the drums and hitting the snare and the hi-hat cymbal.

"Alright I seem to get the hang of it, Lemme try synchronizing with the beat of the song" He proceeds to remember the beat and tried to synchronize.

Me and Rin were both listening on the beat and as he continued on the beat was starting to get better and we found a match.

We both gave him a thumbs up and He just smiled back and stood up from the drum set.

"Well I guess it's my turn, let's try to match up the instruments with my vocals" We all get ready and Rin headed to the microphone to try and sing.

I started of with some simple guitar samples then following up with Alan's drum beats,then we decided to go slightly louder and turned it up.

"The cross-purposes was just our destiny after all

And everything went according to script

But since I'm not tough enough to

conceal sadness thinking so

All of answers I calculated

entailing sacrifices one by one

Is gonna taking away the courage to take a step again

*The song that I once offered up to you

Is now a love-song which is just sorrowful

lGo and fly away blown by the wind!

To that day of summer that we met."

"The encounter was just our destiny after all

And everything went according to script

If I could think so conveniently

I wonder if I wouldn't miss you

All of answers I calculated

entailing conflicts one by one

Is removing the ways to the far side

(Repeat *)

If the past and future would be lost

I wonder if I could fly into the sky

as I wishedIf I could erase one emotion

I wonder if I could feel easy by erasing "LOVE"

Your ears, eyes, and heart

Everything that passed through them

If I could know all of them

I wonder if I could properly love you next time? "

As the song was about to end me and Alan were just filling in on the final beats before ending the song with one final solo.

After we finished up the song we decided to take a break from making some music and have a bit of fun.

Alan's P.O.V

We were all out going to get some food but Sig couldn't to since his parents grounded him so It was just me and Rin going out to get some take-out for Sig and us two.

Sig said he wanted some Asian food so we went to Camilla's temporary job since she worked at an Asian restaurant.

When we got inside Camilla looked at me and Rin with a smirk on her face, Andreas probably told her about me and Rin.

"Oh Hey Alan, What are you doing here?" Camilla says adjusting her hair a little bit

"Hey Sis, Yeah were just getting some take-out" I told her and she looked at me with a suspicious face

"Hmm, well Alright is that your girlfriend?"  Camilla asks Me and I felt my face flush red

"N-No, She's Just a friend" I replied but she still looks at me with a suspicious face.

"Oh really?" I felt a bit irritated but I just told myself to roll with it

*10 Minutes Later*

Me and Rin got our take-out and I felt like my heart beating a bit because of Camilla shipping me and Rin

"Ugh My Siblings are embarrassing" I told Rin and she was laughing

"Is it true though Alan, Do you like me?" She asks and I was blushing even more

"U-Um....I guess you'll find out soon"I smiled at her as we walked back to Sig's house

(A/N Hey Guys! Sorry If this chapter seems a bit short and a bit lame but yeah There will be a special chapter coming soon and with some new characters in so stay tuned!)

(A/N Shoutouts to Walker_772 check out her works too)

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