Chapter 3-1: Waving In Concern

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Alan's P.O.V

I got off Andreas' Car as I arrived at university and I wasn't too excited about the idea but I felt like it would disappoint my parents and further consequences that I don't want to think about.

As I saw my brother drive off to pick up my sister at the hospital because she's sick I turned around to look at the university and It was a giant contraption with windows and a weird design. I walked up the steps to the building and I wasn't to thrilled about walking inside.

I looked at the other students walking inside some looked pretty excited and some were with there friends. I was kinda sad at this because all of my friends are back in Bergen and the only friend I have here is Rin.

Speaking of Rin I wonder where she is, I don't think she's the type of person who doesn't mind being late.

I went inside the building and the halls were all filled with students walking,talking to each other, using their phones etc. I just walked through the halls and people were looking at me oddly probably because of my outfit.

Rin's P.O.V

I finally arrived at the university campus and I felt like I wasn't gonna survive through this, I barely slept last night as I was too worried about my first day of University. I walked up the stairs to the building and went inside.

Once I got in my situation got worse and there was a large crowd of people roaming the halls, I felt quite claustrophobic so I just sprinted all the way to the bathroom but I didn't look at where I was going so I accidentally bumped into someone.

"ごめんなさい, I wasn't looking at where I was going" I fell over and I saw that I crashed into Alan, I could feel everyone looking at me in embarrassment.

"いいんだよ, At least you weren't injured or anything" He pulls me up and he looks at me with a concerned look

"Hey Rin, Are you alright you look kinda pale" He looks at me and I can see his eyes filled with concerned and I knew that lying right now would be pointless so I just needed to be honest

"N-No, I'm not feeling too good right now I was too busy thinking about today last night." My head started to ache even further and that was a clear sign that I wasn't at my best condition today.

"Hang in there alright?, I'll try to get you to the clinic" Those were the last things I heard before I pass out of exhaustion and sickness.

Alan's P.O.V

*10 Minutes Later*

After I carried Rin all the way to the clinic I decided to head to my homeroom and just focus on class. I was thinking of what the nurse said about Rin's condition but I realized that I should just have some faith and that she'll be fine.

I got inside my classroom and some people were still outside and I had to pick a place to sit down and settle there until class starts. I felt like the best place I could sit right now is near the window just to stay away from all of the other students as I'm not much of a social person.

I looked at the window and I saw some people talking with their group, I felt kinda sad when I saw this as I didn't really have too many friends and I wasn't much of a social person and I'm more of a introvert unlike the people I've seen with.

I've learned to slam on the brake
Before I even turn the key
Before I make the mistake
Before I lead with the worst of me

Give them no reason to stare
No slipping up if you slip away
So I got nothing to share
No, I got nothing to say

Only One(Alan Walker Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang