Chapter 4-1: What The....

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Rin's P.O.V

Sig was finally back in university after the suspension has ended, we were pretty glad he was back because the school felt a bit weird without his presence in the school. I didn't know why but it was probably because he was the only person in university who was gay which made him the most interesting well second interesting guy in the whole  university.

As I was heading to the science lab for chemistry I accidentally bumped into another girl.

"S-Sorry, I didn't see where I was going" I said  as I offered a hand to help her up

"It's okay, It was my fault I should've been paying attention" She grabs my hand she looks at me with a smile.

"Are you heading to the science lab as well?" I asked smiling at her

"Yeah, My name's Danielle O'Neil but please call me Dannii" She introduces herself

"Oh My name's um.. Rin Colline but call me Rin" I tell her and we realized it was almost class time

"Oh shit we need to get to the lab now" We both dash all the way to the science lab and got there in the nick of time.

I approached my table with Alan and Sig on it and sat down next to Alan.

"Wow you're just in time" Alan says staring at me with his blue eyes

"Oh Shut up, I bumped into someone at the halls." I punched Alan in the arm earning an Ow from him.

I couldn't explain why I liked a guy like him probably because he was my first friend and I didn't think I would have a crush on anybody but seriously those eyes are always getting me every goddamn time.

*Time-skip after class*

After class ended I headed over to my next class and last class before recess Music which was arguably my favorite subject,  I looked over at my surroundings and I felt like something was watching me or something so I turned around and saw nothing there.

I felt like my mind was going in circles so I went outside the school to get some fresh air. When I walked out of the doors I inhaled in some fresh air but then that sudden feeling is back again but when I turned around no one was there again.

But when I turned forward again there was a  girl standing in front of me and I assumed that she was the one watching me.

"Hey, Are you the one watching me?" I asked and she just smiled

"Yeah? What about it?" I look at her and she was dressed up in like stealth-like gear and she was making some ninja like gestures

"Nevermind" I said as I walked away and headed to the music room.

*Skip to recess*

After Music had just ended I immediately went to the courtyard to have lunch with Alan and Sig , when I opened the doors to the courtyard I noticed there was a bunny rabbit looking at me to my left.

I looked at it and seemed like it was trying to guide me somewhere, so curiosity fled my head and followed the rabbit. 

I continued to follow the rabbit through the whole school and it stopped on a mysterious tree that was standing on a small hill, it looked pretty suspicious because it was the only tree on top of a hill.

When I walked towards the tree I noticed a pack of bunny rabbits surrounding it and when I looked around it there was something that defies all of what I've seen in my entire life.

There was a Robot being surrounded by a pack of rabbits and it looked like he was taking care of him, I looked closer and he was wearing a Cyan and Blue hoodie with grey stripes on the side and black pants and sneakers. I realized the reason why he was getting attracted by rabbits is because he had a pair of bunny ears on his head that made him look like one.

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