Chapter 4-4: Certainty

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Sig's P.O.V

I was still in London after performing live on BBC 1 and to be fair London has been quite a blast ever since I've arrived but I kinda missed Northampton because I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with Rin being alone back there, But I was fine with it she has Alan by her and he can probably take care of her.

It was kind of a normal morning and nothing too much has happened today, so I decided to open up my laptop and call Rin at Skype. I climbed out of the bed and headed over to my travel bag which had my laptop inside, after I grabbed it I turned it on but then suddenly it says it needs to update.

"Are you fucking kidding me..." I said after shrugging it off and just letting it update.

"Bruce! It's time for breakfast!" I heard my mom call out so I got dressed because we had to go downstairs to the cafe in the lobby.

"Coming!" I yelled out and grabbed my phone from my bedside table and headed to the front door.

As me and my parents were walking all the way to the elevator, I suddenly got a text from Rin

Rin: Hey Sig, how's my gay brother XD

Sig: Heyo Rin, yeah I'm doing well back in London.

Rin: So how'd the performance go?

Sig: It went really well not gonna lie, It was so fun performing the song and the vocalist was so chill.

Rin: Wow sounds like you're having way too much fun back there.

Sig: Yeah....but I kinda miss home, by the way what're you doing this morning?

Rin: I'm at Alan's  house we're just hanging out.

Sig: Have you confessed to him yet?

Rin: Umm......No.....

Rin: Yes.....

Sig: Oooh, Nice did you finally have your first kiss?

Rin: Yeah...

Sig: Wooo wee this calls for a celebration!

Rin: Yeahh Not really..

Sig: Oh come on gurl! Now the world will know that you're dating one of the best music artists in the world!

Rin: Hm....well you're right about that.

Sig: Hahah, Well I gotta go I need to go get some breakfast 

Rin: Alright see ya

After I ended the conversation I followed my parents to the cafe and once we were inside I looked around to kind off inspect how it kinda looked like.

It was a pretty fancy cafe I'll give it that considering there was a chandelier and that there were quite a ton of lavish looking designs that would probably make you feel out of place if you go here only wearing a t-shirt,sweatpants and flip flops.

I followed my parents as they were trying to find a place to sit before grabbing some food.

After we finally found a place to sit down I grabbed my phone from my pocket just to look at the time since there weren't any clocks hanging on the walls.

"Hey Bruce, so what do you want for breakfast?" My dad asks me before the went over to the buffet.

"I'll eat anything, it's cool" I said before he leaves and gets some food

*Alan's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sound of my Alarm clock which I still continued to detest everyday since it was probably the N.1 thing to ruin a morning.

Only One(Alan Walker Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें