Chapter EX: Nathaniel

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So yeah..This is an "EX" Chapter meaning there won't be anything related to the plot here just like Chapter 4-1 and yes Rin and Alan's date will be continued but this is just a slightly special chapter considering its my birthday!

So yeah enjoy the chapter! (Also no just because its my birthday doesn't I'll show my face to the public)
Also this chapter is mostly focused on Walker_135 's Book "Alan Walker Saved Me"

Dannii's P.O.V

It's been about 4 weeks ever since Nathaniel has moved in with us and so far it's been going quite well for him considering he hasn't been complaining or anything lately but there's something that still kind off bothers me about him.

I've always thought about it but does Nathaniel like...anyone? Is he straight or is he gay? I've always wondered since he's usually a guy with no interests except sleeping and singing though the only reason I assumed he like singing is because he always sings a song wherever he goes.

I was immediately interrupted with my bedroom creaking open and it was Robbie entering the room.

"Hey, get up it's time for school" He says as I get up from my bed to get ready for school, I opened up my closet to grab some clothes to wear for school and some extra since today we have gym which I'm not too much of a fan of but I didn't mind.

*10 Minutes Later*

After I got out of the bathroom and got dressed I went downstairs and I just see Nathaniel texting someone on his phone it looked a bit suspicious considering he doesn't really text anyone but usually just listens to music whenever he uses his phone.

"Hey Nat, good morning" I greet him and he just gives me a confused look but quickly realizes I was greeting him so he smiles back and looks up from his phone

"Oh Hey Dannii, good morning" He says in a low tone without a hint of happy or sad, he was a pretty mysterious guy who's face always flashes out "I don't give a fuck about the world" but I'm sure he has a soft side but its gonna be quite tough to just break his shell.

As me and Nathaniel got inside Robbie's car I sat at the front seat while Nathaniel was sitting in the back, I looked over and he was sitting with his legs crossed? Which I found really odd since I've never seen anyone sit like that inside a car but before he looked I turned back looking at the front window.

*10 Minutes Later*

We finally made it back to school and I wasn't that prepared considering I'm still coping up with the constant bullying I've been getting from Katie Branagan. But I felt like I needed to keep positive so as I climbed out of my car I took a deep breath before closing the door.

Nat didn't look to excited about going back to school judging by the way his eyes are constantly staring straight at the school gates, he was wearing a black polo shirt with a white jacket and some black slim jeans. Before I head to my locker to grab some stuff for my first class I followed Nathaniel around just to see on what he does in the morning.

He was walking through the crowd of people with a bit of dance-like movement like spinning around and doing a bit of a cartwheel with one hand before exiting the crowd, I was pretty surprised that he was able to keep his earphones from falling down but I just continued on following him.

When he reached the entrance to the art room I saw someone who I wasn't too happy to see. It was Katie Branagan and he gang with a guy that seems to be what I heard from the rumors Katie's new boyfriend Dean Edison. Katie then grabs Nathaniel's shoulder to face her but judging by Nathaniel's looks and movement at Katie he didn't give a shit about what she said, Dean looked like he wasn't too uncomfortable with this so he tried to leave but Katie's minions keep him in place.

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