Chapter 6-3: Slow Motion

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Chill Chapter for now, I don't think I'll write a chapter dedicated to new years but I will say I'll try posting a chapter in the new years if I can.. Also sorry if this chapter is really short I just haven't had any ideas after the last chapter.

Rin's P.O.V

It was kind of a normal and windy day, nothing too much happening lately everything was just usually how it is these days, I figured I should just rest my mind and just have a walk for today, I got dressed in a white jacket, black t-shirt, a white skirt with a red trim, some red and black patterned socks and some red shoes.

I grabbed the headphones from my side table and exited my room, I looked over at the clock and it red about 8:00 Am, I was quite early but It was definitely a good time to take a breather for a while and just relax to clear some thoughts that maybe bothering.

I headed outside and there weren't really many people outside they were all probably still inside their houses or most of them just decided to stay home and have their own fun which I seriously don't wanna think of because who knows what people are doing while their inside their homes.

I put on the headphones and plugged them onto my phone playing Sand Planet by Hachi

I walked through the city streets going through the windy weather ignoring the presence of people around me as the music on my headphones, My mind was really relaxed as I took a step all of the early morning blues all went away and my mind was totally clear and free of worry.

The sky was still a normal  blue as I walked through the streets and it had a feigning silence surrounding me and the only sounds that I hear are the sounds of my footsteps which kind of produced a quite ticking sound which seemed a bit odd but I was too distracted to the music playing inside my headphones.

Some people were just out also walking or they were chatting with the friends as they walked with their group of friends, I went past the pub but I looked for a short moment and there was some people inside and they were already drinking which kinda confused me and at the same time kind off  made me a bit uneasy.

It's a bit crazy how some people are already at the pub at 8:00 am in the morning and already drinking, either they really just needed a drink or they were massive alcoholics, I'm not a drinker myself but I enjoy some drinks that can be kind off alcoholic like beer but not too much since I don't really wanna get drunk and pull of some dumb stuff that I might make a fool for myself.

I looked at the my phone and the time red about 8:30 so it meant that I have been walking for quite a long time so I decided to head home before my parents start to get worried, I followed the route I took where I walked but instead went from the finish back to where I started.

As I was walking back to my house I phone suddenly buzzed and It was a text from Alan.

A: Good Morning!

R: Hey Alan, Good Morning.

A: Have you ever felt like today was quite slow?

R: Whoa, I thought I was the only one feeling that way.

A: Same here, I wonder why though?

R: At the same time I'm kind off feeling lazy today.

A: Me too, do you wanna hang out at your house later?

R: Sure it's not like I have anything better to do at the moment.

A: Alright meet you there at 12:00?

R: Yeah..

I turned off my phone and continued walking down the route to my house.

*10 Minutes Later*

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