
53 6 3

Author: IntoTheTempest

Cover: A simple cover, but sometimes that is enough. It suits the title.


If you like stories about magicians the blurb is fine, if you don't then the blurb reads like blurbs you may have read before. It is not a bad blurb, but it it does not have a spark.

Chapter 1:

Th story starts off strong, it makes up for the blurb which needs to rise up to meet the wonder you have created in this tale.

The MCs voice is vivid (you wrote this cynical person well) and I am drawn into the story. Ok, he needs a cape to be able to preform magic, but he may end up killing this cape, too? The cape is from a potential victim? Creepy and dark!

The description of things (in general) is spot-on. You have given your reader enough detail without going on and on and on and....

The vocabulary is lovely, the dialogue fits perfectly with the going-ons. To be quite honest, I did not expect this level of greatness in your story after I had seen the cover and read the blurb. It is interesting, visual and gripping. This is certainly a page turner, and even if someone is not a fan of magic, I feel they will enjoy this story tremendously.

 Good luck, darkling!  

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