Chapter 1: All a Prank

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First day of school. Great... If you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm. The first day of school is always the worst. After a nice long summer of no one around, I get to go back to the bullies. I know I will probably sound like a wimp for saying this but, they terrify me. Who am I kidding. Everyone thinks I am a wimp. I take a deep breath and walk out of my room, heading towards the bus. After sitting down at the end of the bus a boy walks up to me. Oh god, what do I do? He interrupts me thoughts "Hey, is this seat taken?" He asks. I shake my head no. The boy has blackish brown hair, somewhat like an emo flap but I could tell from the cheerfulness in his voice he wasn't. I stared out the window, even though I could see he was looking at my with those big brown eyes. Wait a that? No it couldn't be. 


Thank god he didn't recognize me. I had my hair changed so I could talk to him before any of my friends found out. "So," I start "I'm Anthony, what's your name?" I know his name but I can't let him know that, it would blow my cover. Ian looks over at me, so I pull more of my own hair in front of my face. "I-Ian," Ian stutters. Why is he so nervous? Oh right, I forgot. "What grade are you in?" I ask. "I-I'm a junior," The brunette responds quietly. "Me too, maybe we have some of the same classes." The rest of the bus ride is silent.


It is him. Maybe he has changed? No, this is some sort of prank I know it. It's Anthony. The bully who has been beating me up with his friends for the past five years. We were paired together on a project once and I thought we were friends...needless to say I was wrong. I have been shy ever since. Why put trust in the world when it will smack you in the face? That was a really bad saying I am never going to use that ever again. I walk off the bus and he gives me a wave goodbye. I slightly shake my hand saying goodbye as well. Why would someone who the girls are all over try and talk to someone like me? I walk gingerly to my locker and get what I need for my first class. When I walk in the room there is only one person who is there. Anthony.


Hi! I'm not sure if I should continue this so tell me what you think! I don't like to write very long chapters though :/

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