Chapter 42: Headlights

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I couldn't hold it back. Tears were running down my cheeks. The knife went straight into Ian and again and again. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion. That's when I saw it. The peculiar sight. Bright headlights. Coming straight at us. The car was swerving as it came at us. Kalel's eyes widened and I took the chance I got. I grab Ian, pulling him out of the way and into a warm embrace. At that moment, a loud thud was heard. I look over at Kalel. She's on the ground. The drunk driver's car hit her. Yet, unlike Ian, Kalel wasn't moving. Her eyes were wide open, but no sign of life showed. Blood was oozing out of Ian and Kalel. I completely ignored Kalel and looked back at Ian. His face was blank. Emotionless. Yet, still breathing. And that is what I am holding onto. I pick Ian up bridal style and start running. "Stay with me....please...please..." I beg. Ian slowly puts a hand to my cheek and wipes away the tears. I don't think I have ever run this fast in my life. The world was buzzing past me as I ran back to the car. This can't be happening. I'm going to wake up any minute now. Ian right next to me. Happy. Him in my arms. Not bleeding. Not dying. All of this is a has to be! I quickly grab my phone from the car and call an ambulance. After the short phonecall, I direct my attention to Ian. I fall to my knees and sob onto Ian's chest. "Anthony....I'll be alright," Ian says weakly. I look up and into Ian's eyes. The light, leaving his eyes. My hope doing the same. He gave me a soft smile and kept his hand on my cheek. "You can't promise me that can you?!?" I say, my anger at Kalel rising. "If that car didn't kill her, I would've," I mumble, trying to stifle a sob. I try and stop the bleeding, but to no avail. "Anthony?" Ian's still incredibly weak voice says. "Yeah?" "I have to tell you's very important and you need to remember it and believe it." "Anything," I say, putting my hand on top of his hand that is on my face. "I lo-" He was inturrupted by himself, closing his beautiful yet almost lifeless eyes. His hand fell off of my face. "Ian..?" No response. "Ian," I say a bit louder and shaking him. "IAN!" I yell out in frustration. Nothing replies to me, except silence. My tears were staining his already blood-stained shirt. I started to slam my head against the car. This has to be a dream! I need to wake up! I stop and look back at Ian. The throbbing in my head doesn't even compare to the emotional pain I have right now. To my luck, he was still breathing but...his eyes stayed shut and truth be told... I'm afraid they might not open again.

(A/N) Sooooo I'm not sure if this is what you were expecting know. I was super emotional writing this chapter! and by the way this is NOT over. I still need to write more chapters. Anyways, WILL IAN SURVIVE? DUN DUN DUUUNNNN. I don't know. I haven't decided yet. Tell me what you think ^-^ Byyee

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