Chapter 23: Christmas

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I felt someone shaking me. My eyes slowly opened to see Ian, shaking me. "Wake up!" He whisper yelled with joy in his voice. "It's Christmas!" Ian was smiling like crazy. "I'm awake, I'm awake," I give him a sleepy smile while he stops shaking me. "You really like Christmas don't you?" I ask. Ian only nods, sitting up on the bed.  He was completely dressed. I smelt something amazing from outside of this room "When did you get up?" I ask. "Around six or five... I just couldn't wait for you to get up any longer. By the way its about eight now," Ian told me, getting off of the bed. I did the same, but slower. Ian grabbed my hand and led me out to the living room and then to the table. "I'm not sure if you'll like it but...I still have to repay you from letting me stay here," Ian said. On the table, there was sausages, pancakes, eggs and a few other plates full of food. It all smelled amazing. A smile inched up my face, "Wow...just wow," was the only thing I could say at that moment, I was amazed at his cooking skills. "Where did you learn to cook like this?" I asked him, sitting down. Ian sat down "I was taught how to cook so I could cook for my parents. They didn't like doing the 'hard work' " Ian said, making quotes with his fingers on 'hard work'. We both started putting food on our plates. "Sorry for all the questions but, where did you get all this food? I didn't know we had any pancake mix..." Ian finished putting food on his plate "I went out to the grocery store and bought a few things, don't worry. I didn't use your money," Ian replied, while I finished putting food on my plate.


Anthony started eating the food. "This is amazing!" He exclaimed, in between bites. I smiled and started to eat my food as well. We both continued eating our food and talking in between bites. After we finished, Anthony started to clean up and even though he insisted I didn't, I helped him clean up. After we were done cleaning up, Anthony spoke "I'll be right back," He said, before going to his room and coming back with a nicely wrapped box with a bow on it. "I got you a present," He smiled. "I got you one to! Hold on a sec, sorry its not wrapped..." I say, running over to my bags and hiding the present I got for him behind my back. I got him 'Legend of Zelda: Twillight Princess'. He's been talking about it for ages so I got it for him."It's alright," Anthony was still grinning. He handed me the present and I handed his present over to him. It was in a small bag but, I didn't really have time to wrap it. "Same time?" I ask him. He nods and I start unwrapping the present. At the same time, I take my present out of the box and Anthony takes his out of the bag. I looked inside the box to see the books 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' and 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban'. I've been wanting these books for such a long time! Though I'm really picky about books, I've read 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' and I loved it. "Thank you so much!" Anthony exclaims, hugging me and I hug him back. "Thank you too! I've really wanted these," I reply. We both ended up using our gifts. We're sitting on the couch. I'm reading one of my new books while Anthony's playing his new game. 


After doing that for about an hour or so. Ian and I decided it would be nice to go out and do  some Christmas stuff. Like, all the classics. First we made a snowman (which was terrible but we had fun anyway). We played in the snow for a while and then we went to get hot chocolate and sandwiches for lunch. Afterwards, we went ice skating. I'm terrible at any type of skating because I don't have much balance. Ian helped me a lot with that. He's clumsy but surprisingly balanced which I don't understand. Anyways, right now we are driving back home. It's about seven now. After a while, we got back home. I went over to the fireplace and started a fire. Ian was sitting on the couch, reading. I turned on the Christmas radio and walked over to Ian. "Wanna dance?" I ask him, putting my hand out. Ian put a bookmark in his book. "I don't know...I don't really know how to dance," He replied. I smiled, "Aww come on, I'll show you," I took his hand and pulled him off of the couch. Ian fumbled a bit but he managed to not fall. 

(A/N) IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! I cannot dance, nor have I tried. So, if I fail at this next part...please give me a tip or two. Okay...back to the story!

I took his arms and put them around my neck. "Try and follow," I tell him. Ian nods as I put wrap my arms around him. Luckily, its a somewhat slow song on so this should help him. Not to mention this should be fun. I move my feet to the tempo of the song and Ian tries to follow along.


Crap! I'm terrible at dancing and anything else related to the arts (music, art, dance, theater). The speed of the song picked up a bit. I tried my best to follow along but I accidently stepped on Anthony's foot. "Sorry!" I apologized, slowly slinking my arms away from Anthony. "I don't think I should do this..." I tell him. "It's okay Ian, you can do this!" Anthony said. "Alright..." I replied, putting my arms back where they were. We went back to what we were doing, I was getting slightly better. Thats what we continued to do for a while, even though I fell a couple of times, we burst out into laughter every single time. We tried twirling eachother (of which I fell) and when 'Jingle Bell Rock' came on...that was really fun. We basically played air guitar and I fell into the splits (not completely). Some of my favorite Christmas songs came on and I slowly got better. By the end of night, I didn't suck at dancing! Close enough right?  Right now its about eleven. Anthony and I are sitting next to eachother, my head on his shoulder and his head on top of mine.


Who would've thought? Ian... is mine. I still can't believe it. It amazes me every single time I think about it. The boy that I thought I missed as a friend. But, I remember it clearly. I've always liked Ian, for so long, even though I wouldn't admit it to myself. When we would hang out, it made my heart flutter back then and it still does now. Right now, Ian's even living with me! Just until he can either work that out with his parents or find a place of his own. Which I hope is never. You think I would get sick of him at somepoint. Well, you are wrong. I love having him around and just him in general. "Merry Christmas Anthony," Ian says. I kiss the top of his head. "Merry Christmas."

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