Chapter 37: Objective 1,2,3

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(A/N) LAST SHORT CHAPTER! From now on I'm going to make long chapters, considering I know what I want to do now. Are you ready? HELL YEAH NOW CONTINUE READING WHILE I TURN OFF CAPS LOCK. 


Ever since Anthony told me we were going to court, I've been stressed slightly. Sure, I knew it had to happen sometime but I didn't expect it to come so soon. Okay, its been a while but still. I don't like the idea of it. I'm clumsy the way it is. I'll probably trip right in front of the judge. So, I've been trying my hardest to not play with my thumbs (like I usually do when I'm nervous). Otherwise Anthony would worry about me and I don't like to see Anthony like that. I've been keeping a close eye on my thumbs and always keeping one hand in my pocket. Anyways, it's wednesday and Shaun hasn't been at school (due to sickness). So I called him and told him that I hope he will get better. It's nice having a friend and a boyfriend at the same time. It really is. It makes up for my parents. Actually, Anthony and Shaun are WAY better, nicer than my parents. All my parents ever did was make me do chores and I swear they don't even know when my birthday is. Okay, that was off topic. Right now, Anthony and I are walking to the bus stop. He doesn't like using his car for places he can walk to so he doesn't have to pay for gas. Which I admit is pretty smart. We get to the bus stop and sit down on the bench. "What's the time?" I ask him. "Umm.." Anthony checks his watch. "7:10," He tells me. "Wow, we're early. The bus doesn't come for another fifteen minutes," I respond.


Right before I can say anything, I see Shaun, walking towards us in the distance. I put my arm around Ian's shoulders and pull him closer to me. Luckily, Ian didn't question me and just laid his head against my shoulder. Shaun walked up to us. "Hey guys," He beamed. "Hey Shaun," Ian took his head off of my shoulder and smiled at him. "Hi..." I looked down at the ground. "Something wrong?" Ian asked me. "No....just a bit tired," I looked up again and gave Shaun a fake smile. I pulled Ian a bit closer to me. Sure, Shaun's a nice friend but....I just can't stand the way he looks at Ian. How he constantly flirts with him even though he knows that Ian and I are boyfriends. It's just not this the way how Ian felt when Kalel flirted with me? It's not fun. Especially when the person who flirts with you is a psychopath. But this is different. Shaun is a good person and has a chance with Ian. Shit....I snap out of my daydreaming. Ian and Shaun are talking about who knows what and I'm extremely confused. Okay...objective number one...don't daydream, I could miss something important. Objective number two, hold onto Ian as if its your own life. Objective number three...make sure Ian doesn't fall for Shaun. Okay....I can try and do this.

(A/N) Oh yeah! I turned the caps lock off now. Anyways, I've decided to do 45-50 chapters. Something like that so....stay tuned! *checks interwebs* 3,000. Fucking. Reads. *dies*



Was too excited about 3000 reads on a fanfiction website and had a heart attack

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