Chapter 38: Scared

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For the last three days, I'm positive Shaun knows that I know he's flirting with Ian. Whenever I'm around those two, everything is kind of silent. Well....I also have something to do with him knowing that....I may or may not have been hugging Ian any chance I get....and may or may not be mouthing the word 'mine' to him. Maaayybbee I've been giving him death glares (of which he gives right back). Okay, all those that I say may or may not have. The answer is I have done all of those...okay? You can't blame me for not wanting to lose Ian. But, we have been together for a while now and Shaun just befriended us. Am I being too overprotective of him? Nah... Anyways, today is Saturday, and you know what that means...

IAN'S P.O.V. is the day. Time to go to court. Anthony and I can do this right? Besides, we got kidnapped. It's not like we don't have proof. Anthony and I are in the car right now. God...I'm so freaking nervous. I hope this is the last time I ever have to see Kalel again. If I never see her again, it will be too soon.  "Are you ready?" Anthony asks me. "Not really...." I respond truthfully. "Neither am I, to be honest....but we're almost there," He replies. "About two minutes." I nod and then look out the window. Then, I hear police sirens. Anthony quickly moves to the side to let the police cars pass and then goes back onto the road. After those two minutes, we get to the court house, which is surrounded by police cars and bright yellow tape. I take a deep breath and get out of the car. Oh no....what happended? I walk up to a police officer (who's guarding the enterance of the building) with Anthony behind me. "Ummm, excuse me sir but...what happened?" I ask him, as calmly as I can. "You're Ian Hecox yes?" He asks me. "Yes sir." "Well, your court has been cancelled." "Why?" I ask, gulping. "I'm afraid that Kalel..." No, no, no no, this can't be happening. Then, he said the worst sentence possible "...has escaped and is on the loose."


Me and Ian had completely blank faces. My heart dropped at those words. now? That explains all the police cars. A crazy psychopath bitch who kidnaps people for 'love' is on the loose. What else are they suppose to do? "Thank you..." Ian says, breaking the silence. "You will be contacted when she is found, alright?" The officer replies. "Alright. Thank you sir," I respond. "Take care of yourselves," He tells us before I start walking away and pulling Ian behind me. Ian hesitantly followed as I pulled us next to my car. That's when I saw it. Fear in Ian's eyes. I haven't seen it for a while now. I was hoping never to see it again. My left  hand was twitching slightly. We were both scared, even though neither of us said that. Then Ian started speaking "What if...she comes after you and...she takes you away," Ian says in a barely audible voice, his eyes glued to the ground. "I'll never let that happen," I say before kissing the top of his head (which is extremely easy because he's short). "Besides, you're stuck with me," I joke. We both laugh a bit.


See? That's what I love about him. He can make a terrifying event seem like a joke. I wish I could be brave like that...but no. I was born a coward. It's in my blood. "Meh, it's not so bad," I reply. Anthony rolls his eyes jokingly. We both laugh a bit more. "See, it'll be fine," Anthony tries to assure me, wrapping his arms around me. "Everything will be fine," He repeats, quietly. "Hopefully," I mumble to myself so no one can hear but me. The thing is....what if she does come after Anthony again? What am I suppose to do? She's smarter, stronger and faster than me. (Well we are both almost equal in speed). I felt Anthony's hand twitch, so I took his hand in my own and intertwined our fingers together. Even though I could tell he was scared (and didn't say anything), I didn't say anything about that. The reason is...well... so. am. I.

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