Chapter 27: Moving On?

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It's lunch right now. I'm sitting alone. Ian's sitting across the room from me. I wish I could just run up to him and hug him. But...I shouldn't. I let out a sigh. "You alright?" A farmiliar voice rings. Kalel. Ugh...she's the last person I want to talk to. "Yeah," I mumble. She sits down across from me. I eat my food slowly. "Why aren't you sitting with him? Did you finally realize what he is?" Kalel asks me. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" I ask in a dark and harsh voice. "I finally realized he's not worth your time," Kalel replies, calmly. Anger rushes through me, but I stay silent. Kalel nudges my foot underneath the table, gently. "Don't..." I mumble. I can only mumble what I want to say otherwise I might make a scene. Kalel smiles at me and twirls her hair around her finger.


Luckily, Anthony's not looking at me. I look over to see Kalel, sitting across from Anthony, flirting with him. I quickly look down to see my hands clenched in fists. They were clenched so tight that they started to turn white and then I stopped. Anthony moved on. See? What did I tell you...why would he have loved you in the first place? The voice whispered to me. But...with Kalel? He hated Kalel. I remember us talking about hating her...did he lie?


"C'me here, I have to show you something," Kalel smiles, flirtatiously at me. She took my hand and I reluctantly followed. I looked over at Ian one last time before she led me to the empty hall. "What is it?" I ask. Her feet stop moving. "Stand over there by the lockers," I did as she said, what is she-WHAT?!?! Kalel slammed her lips into mine. Surprisingly, she was extremely strong. I tried to push her off but she was stronger than me. What does she do in her spare time? Carry ten men on her shoulders? She kissed me roughly and licked my bottom lip. I refused to let her enter, but she thought otherwise. Kalel pinched my butt which made me gasp. She took that moment to slide her tounge into my throat. I bit down on her tounge but she didn't seem to notice because Kalel continued to explore my mouth. With all the strength I had, I pushed her off of me. "What the hell?" I ask. How dare she do that to me? After Ian just broke up with me? Its almost as if she knew. "Don't pretend like you didn't like it," She winked at me and then left. My jaw dropped. What the actual hell just happened? At that moment, I remembered. Ian. Being affectionate towards eachother, but softly and in adorable ways. Cuddling, kissing (softly), etc. Where as Kalel just wants to make out and have sex. Even though I'm a teenage boy, I'm not ready for that type of stuff. Not to mention its way too forced. I walk off to class and guess who's right next to me in Science. Kalel. I sit down at my spot and everyone else does the same as the bell rung. Kalel winked at me and smiled, flirtatiously once again. Are you fucking kidding me.

(A/N) ITS SOOO SHORT I KNOW. Don't kill me.

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