Chapter 7: Anthony's Side of the Story

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I was completely frozen. My eyes were wide and I wasn't moving. "Well, I guess I do have some explaining to do..." I say, starting to scratch the back of my neck out of nervousness. Ian sat on my bed and patted the spot next to him, patiently waiting for an answer.  I walked over to the bed and sat down right next to him. Possibly uncessarily close but I guess he doesn't mind because Ian isn't saying or doing anything."You never did anything wrong Ian, I'm just a fucking jerk," I tell him, assuring him that it was my fault. "Anthony-" Ian started to say but I cut him off. "I did it all because I was sick of having no friends, and a couple of guys met up with me and asked me if I wanted to be their friend. They all knew that we were friends so they wanted me to dump you and....see? I'm just a mindless jerk," I said quickly.


Is he starting to....cry? Is that what he thinks of himself? I didn't know that after all these years, Anthony still cared. Even the tone in his voice gives away that Anthony meant it.   I hesitantly pull him in for a hug. Anthony took my embrace and hugged me confidently. He started crying softly onto my shoulder, slightly dampening the shirt he had given me. We both sat there in eachothers arms for a moment until I pulled away slightly and put my hands on Anthony's shoulders. Before I said anything I wiped away a tear that was falling down his cheek. "Would a jerk take care of me when I most needed it?" I say. "I-I um-" "Exactly. Would a mindless person tell their friends to stop beating an old friend up?" 


He knew that was me? I thought Ian was knocked out at that point. But everything he's saying its just so...sweet. I don't think anyone has really been nice to me like this before. We both sit in silence before Ian breaks it "See? You're not a mindless jerk Anthony, you're a great person." Ian grins at me. "Wow I didn't know you saw me that way," Was the only thing that I could get out. "Well, I didn't until I heard your side of the story," Ian admitted. "Well I have been being a douche for years you think maybe....we could be friends again?" I asked, somewhat scared of his reaction. "I've been waiting to hear that question for years."

(A/N) I felt like doing two chapters in a day because....yolo. Okay, pretend I never said that.

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