Chapter 21: Thoughts Are Finally Spoken

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(A/N) I'm so sorry if I've done too many emotional chapters. I'm just a bit depressed right now, thus (Have I mentioned I love that word?) I cannot think of any happy chapters that would make sense. Thanks for still reading! ^-^ Sorry once again for updating so much. I'm just incredibly bored.


This is it. This is the day. I've been hiding from my parents for all these years. But, now I think I'm ready enough to tell them. To tell my parents I'm homosexual. Even I, their own son, don't have a clue of how they will react. The subject of being gay has never really occured in conversation. goes nothing. I walk downstairs to see my parents watching t.v. I sit on the chair next to the couch that they are both sitting on. "Hey umm...I have to tell you something. Both of you," I tell them. My mother pauses the t.v. "It better be important...." My father mumbles. "I'm just going to come straight out with it. I'm...," After taking a deep breath I continue. "Gay." Both of my parents faces go blank. "Get out," Dad says. "What?" I ask, scared. "I said....GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! I DID NOT RAISE YOU THIS WAY! I RAISED YOU TO BE A MAN!" He yelled at me. Tears were starting to well in my eyes, but I did as I was told. As I was walking up stairs, screaming could be heard from downstairs from both of my parents. I grabbed everything I needed from my room and left. As I was leaving, I heard my parents voices from inside. Arguing about who's fault it was. All the words and phrases I saw on my locker that one day, I could hear them from inside of my house.The salty tears were running down my face, which sadly was all too farmiliar for me. But, the thing is, it was and never has been either of their faults. Its just apart of who I am. Then my common sense kicked in. Where am I suppose to go? Who would let me stay with them? The questions keep whirling around in my mind. Just like a hurricane.


I was wrapping the gifts I had just gotten for my parents, Ian and other family members, until I heard a knock at the door. I quickly hid the presents and then went over to the door. Before I opened the door, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Not too long ago, I couldn't sleep whatsoever last night. I'm still wearing sweatpants and a random shirt. I open the door to see Ian, his face red and his cheeks tear-stained. He was holding a small bag in his hand and a backpack. "Ian?" "Hey umm this is going to sound really weird you mind if I stay here for a night or two?" Ian says quietly, still sniffling. I'm happy and sad at the same time. Ian's staying with me for a few nights but who the fuck made Ian cry? Why does he need to stay over in the first place? "Of course," I step aside so Ian can walk inside. Ian does so and I shut the door behind him. "What happened?" I ask him, stepping forward towards him. "L-long story short, I finally told my parents I was gay and..." More tears came to his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him. "My dad said to leave his house...." Ian finished his sentence, hugging me back. "You can stay here for as long as you would like," I tell him, trying to assure him everything will be fine. Luckily, my parents are supporters of gay rights. They most likely won't care if Ian stays here. They might not even know, depending on what happens. Ian's trying to blink away the tears, but he's failing miserably. "I love you," I say, breaking the silence. We don't usually say that alot. Neither of us have said that since we admitted we liked eachother. "I love you too, sorry if I'm bothering you," Ian apologized. Why is he apologizing? If I have a chance to hug Ian I'll take it any time I can. "Don't apologize. You're not bothering me one bit." 


Dammit Ian. You're probably ruining his Christmas eve. Try and lighten up the mood.  I moved away a bit so I could look into Anthony's eyes. For a moment, we both just stared into eachother's eyes. Anthony looked up and he smiled at something. I looked up as well and a smile spread across my face as well at the sight. Hanging above our heads, was mistletoe. We both looked back at eachother and leaned in. Anthony kissed me softly and I did the same. Its funny how life works sometimes. At the worst of times, amazing things happen afterwards. It's almost like its destiny.

(A/N) Damn I'm cheesy.

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