Chapter 14: The Tree

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(A/N) Since y'all (I've never said that before...never saying it again) were having seziures over the last chapter, I decided to make a new chapter as soon as possible! Enjoy :)


My cheeks turned dark crimson as I got up as fast as I could. Sure...he did kiss me earlier was for a point. This was different. As much as I would love to kiss him again, I didn't. Sadly, it was only an accident. "I-I'm s-sorry, I j-just kind of f-fell," I barely managed to stutter. Anthony got up as well. His face was as red as mine. He didn't talk, he just stood there, in silence.


I want his lips back on mine as soon as possible. But...that was just an accident. Ian's incredibly light so I didn't get hurt when he tripped and fell on me, luckily. We've kissed twice now, both on accident. can an accident seem so...perfect?  "I'm um...gonna go home now...," Ian told me, snapping me out of my trance. Before I could get a word out, he started running back in the direction of his house.


Run, run as fast as you can before you embarass yourself or lose a friend or....get beaten...again.  Anthony's not like that anymore...right? I ran out of Anthony's view then ran to the forest. Specifically, the tree. The tree that I've always gone to for help. When I was younger, I would always talk to the tree about my problems and I thought it could hear me. I'd like to believe that still, but I can't. I climb the tree and sit down on its branch. "If only you could actually listen," I whispered, feeling completely silly, talking to a tree. I swing my legs back and forth with the breeze. "Ian?" A farmiliar voice calls. Anthony. I look down to see the dark haired Anthony standing there."S-sorry um...," I stutter. How the hell am I suppose to explain this? Instead of asking about that, he asks me. "Do you mind?" Anthony said, pointing to the tree. "Not at all," I tell him, while he starts to climb up. Anthony climbed up the tree and sat down right next to me.


I can't control it any longer. Ian just looks perfect, his personality is being perfect (like it always is), it just seems perfect to do it right now. Ian looks over at me, expecting some sort of question or reaction to what he did back there. We both just stare into eachothers eyes. How come Ian gets the perfect eyes while mine just look like crap? Literally. Its now or never. I tell myself. I cup Ian's cheeks with my hands and slowly lean in. To my surprise, he leaned in as well. Ian quickly moved forward and pressed his lips against mine, closing his eyes. I closed my eyes as well while our mouths move in harmony with one anothers. Ian wraps his arms around my neck and I put one arm around him. While my other hand is holding onto the branch so neither of us fall. Its a soft kiss but, its hard to explain. I feel a warm tingling feeling spread throughout me. Then I realize exactly what the hell is happening. Wow. I. Am. Kissing. Perfect. Ian. Fucking. Hecox.

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