Chapter 8: The Bus Stop

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My eyes lit up as Ian said that sentence. "But...what about your other friends?" Ian asked. My smile faded. "I mean...well we could be secret friends?" Ian suggests. He's so understanding, I couldn't ask for anyone better to be my...friend. Only friend. But him being gay does give me a chance! So that's positive thinking, right? I nod in agreement and he gives me a small smile. 


I guess its better than nothing right? A friend. This will be different..."We should probably get to school now," Anthony tells me and I take my hands off of his shoulders. We both stand up and Anthony leads me out of his room. He leads me to the kitchen and suddenly turns around. "Do I look like I have been crying?" Anthony asks me. "Slightly," I respond truthfully. His eyes are still a little bloodshot. "It should probably go away by the time we get there though..." Anthony nods and hands me an apple. "Sorry, we don't really have time for breakfast," Anthony says, grabbing a banana for himself. We both head out the door. After a few minutes of walking in silence, I speak up "We're almost at the bus stop...want me to walk ahead?" Anthony smiles at me "That would be great,"


Ian walks ahead...well it was more like a fast walk. Or maybe just normal speed...I don't know. Whenever Ian leaves it just seems like it goes by too quick. After a moment or two, I start to speed up otherwise I'm going to be late. My eyes were on the ground and I heard a short scream. After a second or two it was muffled. I start heading towards the screaming. And then again, the scream, then the muffled sound. Wait...that scream sounds farmiliar...My eyes widen as I realize who is in front of me, being beat up by the bus stop. Ian.


"Sup Padilla? We found this little sneaky bastard wearing your shirt," I told him proudly. Anthony's gonna give it to him. The faggot is on the ground with my friend Lucas pinning him down while my other friend Zack was covering his mouth. I look down at him then back up at Anthony, kicking Ian in the process. "Maybe you should just leave him alone-" "What?!?!" I cut him off. Why the fuck would Anthony care about that little loser? "Let me finish. If we beat him up now its not as fun. Its more fun when you see him struggle to get free. He can't do that if he's weak," Anthony explains. Well, I guess it is entertaining to watch the homo break free. "Great idea dude!" I say before giving him a high-five.


I almost sigh in relief but then cover it up with a cough. My friends got off of Ian. Ian gave me a quick smile before getting up and scurrying onto the bus that had just gotten here. Thank god. Ian's going to be alright. But he got beat up AGAIN. This time its different though. Its my fault. Wait...what the hell am I saying? Its always been your fault. You're the reason Ian's being hit and hit and hit and hit What a great friend you are, Anthony.

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