Chapter 32: Day Off...?

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We stayed on the tree's branch for longer than we probably should have. By the time we got home we were shivering. After that, Anthony and I went straight ((A/N LOL...get it? Because-nevermind...I know I'm not funny)) to bed. Right now, it's morning, about eight in the morning actually. Anthony's still asleep, so I'm just laying here. We got a day off from school because they said that we were still in 'shock' but...I guess its not too shocking that Kalel was behind it all. She didn't seem exactly 'nice' when I met her. Anthony yawned and his eyelids opened. "Good morning babe," Anthony said, groggily and then gave me a sleepy smile. "Morning babe," I replied, using empasis on 'babe'. Neither of us have called eachother that before, or given eachother nicknames in general. So I was screaming like a fangirl on the inside when he said that. "Is it alright I say babe?" Anthony asks me. "Mhm," I hum, nodding and smiling. Then I noticed he was extremely pale...


Damn my head hurts. I start rubbing my head and Ian looks up at me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah, just a headache," I reply. Ian puts the back of his wrist to my forehead. "You're burning up," He told me, getting out of the bed "I'll be right you have a thermometer?" Ian asks. "'s in the cabinet on the right of the sink," I told him. After a minute, Ian comes back with the thermometer. He puts it in my mouth "102," Ian told me, taking the termometer out of my mouth. "We were probably out in the cold for too long," I reply. Ian nods. "Do you need anything?" He asks me. "Glass of water? Umm.." I think out loud. He leaves the room and comes back with a glass of water, handing it to me. "Anything else?" He asks again. "Thanks and...I don't think I need anything at the moment," I respond. Ian nods and gets under the covers with me once again. He snuggles up to me and I wrap my arms around him loosely. "Well there goes the idea of a nice day off," I joke. Ian laughs a bit. "But I have you here again...never mind, it's a nice day off," I smile at him. He smiles back, blushing. Wow he blushes a lot, but it is god damn adorable, so I don't mind. "Yeah, and same with you," Ian agrees. I feel my eyelids grow heavier and I drift off.


I watch as Anthony's breaths become even and he falls asleep. Anthony is sleeping peacefully. Hopefully, his fever will have gone away by next morning. I know its only a fever, but I worry about him. Anthony knows that, as I stated that in the note I wrote to him right before I left that night. The thought sent shivers down my spine. I should probably get up and make breakfast for Anthony and I...I start to get up but Anthony's grip on me tightens, pulling me back to my original position. I laugh silently to myself. "You don't want me to move do you?" I whisper, not expecting an answer. To my surprise, Anthony replies (still in his slumber) "Noooooo," He mumbled into the pillow, pulling me closer once again. I was grinning from ear to ear, and I stayed in his arms, just like he wanted me to.

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