Chapter 39: Locked In

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So, Ian and I decided it would be best to stay out of school, just until Kalel is caught. In Ian'swords "School is where we are most vulernable." It's not like I'm complaining or anything though. People there are terrible, studying is stressful, and learning requires a good attention span (of which I do not have). Not to mention physics makes my brain physically hurt. Get it? Physically? Physics? That was the worst joke I have ever made in my life and hopefully I never have to hear that again. Anyways, we haven't been answering the door (just in case). So basically, we locked ourselves in my house. Yes, we will have to leave the house at one point. But it's the only place where we feel truly safe. So, for now, we are staying in here until one of us is told that Kalel is back in handcuffs. Sure, we might be a bit paranoid but whatever. Better safe than sorry. It's been a week since we heard the news about her. Right now, it's morning. It's dark in here though. We boarded up the windows and locked the door the other night (like we always do) Anyways, I'm laying on my bed, listening to Ian's soft snores. I don't really want to get up, I'm exhausted.


My eyes slowly flicker open. "Good morning," I say, groggily. "Morning, blue eyes," Anthony replies, smiling. He loves to call me nicknames now. But I can tell that "blue eyes" is his favorite. It's cute and I would say I like it as much as he does, but he is in love with calling me that so I can't. I yawn into my hand and look over at the time. 9:23. I usually get up earlier than that. Weird. "So.......what should we do today?" I ask him. "Ummm I don't know," Anthony replies "...Breakfast?" He asks. I nod, slowly getting up. We both get up and walk to the kitchen. Anthony looks around and I do as well. There is little to no food. "Well, I guess we're going to go and get food," Anthony says, closing the cabinet he was looking in. "I guess so...but can we do that later? I'mmmm tiirrreeedd," I whine, childishly.  He chuckles at my lack of maturity "Sure." 



I look over at the at night. Our stomachs have been growling but I guess we ignored it the entire day. Since it's already nine, we need to go and get food for ourselves "We should probably go's getting late," I tell him. "Alright," Ian replies. We both slowly walk outside and then get into my car. I can tell that Ian is just as nervous as I am.  It's pitch black outside, even with my headlights, it doesn't make a huge difference. I drive us to the closest grocery store I can find. It is a bit run down. Some of the lights around the parking lot are flickering on and off. While some don't even work. But, its the closest and we shouldn't take long at all. Then we can go back to the house. Ian hesitantly gets out of the car and I do the same. I start to lock the car, but then I stop when I feel Ian tapping my shoulder rapidly. "What?" I ask him. "A-anthony," His voice is shaky. That's when I turned around and saw a few farmiliar faces...

(A/N) *story intensifies* Who do you think its gonna be? It might not be who you think it is....but considering I am really predictable, you probably know.

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