Chapter 49: Dreams Sometimes Can Come True

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My eyelids slowly flicker open to see many doctors hovering above me. I....I can't see well. Everything's just kind of....blurry. I blink a few more times and everything is focused. "He's awake!" A muffled voice says. My throat feels dry and scratchy. "Anthony...." Was the only word I could choke out. They all started talking but I can only hear it slightly muffled. "Who.........Ian......die?.....No...." Were some of the only words I could make out. Then my heavy eyelids fell, once again.


I need to get there. As soon as possible. They said that he woke up for only a few seconds....but, I'm hoping that somehow he'll wake up again. Apparently, the only word he said was Anthony. (D'awwh! (shut up it's cute) ) Anyways, I'm basically rushing to the hospital. Crap! Speaking of which I'm going over the speed limit...oops. Oh well. I slow down a bit. I really can't deal with a speeding ticket right now. I'm not sure if I should be cheerful or despondent. Sure, he woke up for a moment or two...but does that mean he's gonna be okay? I hope so.....


I walk into the hospital, carrying a bouquet of flowers in my hand, like I've been doing for three days now. Not in a row. Every day this week I've visited Ian. Shaun visited him two days (of which I was NOT happy about) but I did explain the rest of the situation to him. I've also been going back to school. Everyday after school I always go and visit Ian. He hasn't woken up...still. Well...yeah, I could stop visiting and try and forget about him. But I can't and...I feel like I would be disrespectful. Not to mention, the doctors said Ian might wake up any day now. I'm hoping that someday I'll just walk into his room and there he'll be. His eyes open and smiling away. It's what I'm yearning for but not all dreams come true. I sigh softly and walk into Ian's room, my eyes facing the ground. I walk over to Ian and replace the old flowers with the new ones. "Hey," I say, not expecting any sort of reply. "So, like usual nothing exciting has really happened lately. Our science teacher, Mrs. Jensen, is being annoying like always...nothing out of the usual. You know you could fix that if you woke up? Please?" I ask. The silence that I've grown to hate is all around me. "Guess not." You know, I'm kinda hungry...I might just go and get myself a quick snack. "I'll be right back..." I tell him before starting to leave to get my snack. "Just, don't wake up before I get back....wake up when I do get back that would be great." Right when I was in the door frame, I heard an unexpected voice from behind me.


"Wait!" I called to him. Anthony stops walking and rubs his head. "I think I'm going insane," He mumbles. "Turn around," I tell him. Anthony hesitantly turns around. I swear his face lit up and he smiled as wide as he could. If Anthony would've been holding something, he would've dropped it. His face was just a mixture of pure shock and cheerfulness and I've never been so happy to see that in my entire life. "Don't tell me I'm hallucinating," Anthony says. I laugh "No," I assure him. He basically rushed to my bedside. "I gave you one goddamn job. You woke up too early," Anthony jokes, before kissing my head. "Why are you acting like me waking up is a big deal?" I ask, out of curiousity. "You were asleep for a week, how else am I suppose to react?" Anthony defends himself. "Wait....hold up. A week?!?" I ask. A whole flipping week?!? How the heck is that possible? "Yeah," He says, somewhat quietly before giving me a peck on the lips. "I've missed have no idea." I smile and look to my bedside table. There's flowers, they're pretty and they look fresh. "Flowers," I smile wider. Of course it was Anthony who got the flowers. No one else cares for me...besides Shaun. But Shaun is only a friend. We're not close enough to the point he would get me flowers (in a friendly way, don't get me wrong). "Like 'em?" Anthony asks. "Love them," I answer.


God, it's good to hear his voice again. It's weird. The one time I tell him not to wake up he does. Not like I'm complaining or anything. Ian's back. You I was talking about how not all dreams come true? And how my nightmare was a reality? Yeah...I have a different opinion on that. Sure, sometimes nightmares come true....but that doesn't eliminate the possibilty of a dream.

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