Chapter 18: I Warned You

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Last Saturday was really fun! Anthony and I ended up going rollerskating instead but it was still fun. Anthony doesn't have very good balance, so most of the time he was falling onto me (which I didn't mind whatsoever). But it was incredibly adorable as well. Anyways, today it's monday. Back to school for two days and then they let us off for winter break. I'm walking to school right now actually, sadly, I missed the bus. I continue walking for about eight minutes until I get to school. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me. Anthony, laying on the side of the school. His arm bleeding. I run over to him and his eyelids are flickering up and down. It's obvious he's trying to stay awake. "Ian?" Anthony's weak voice says. "I'm here," I try to fake smile at him before taking his hand and putting it on my cheek. Tears were beginning to well in my eyes. Without hesitation, I take off my coat and then my shirt. I look down at his arm. There were cuts and it spelled out words: I warned you. What the hell? "Who did this to you? Did you do it to yourself?" "It was someone else..." He whispered, still struggling to stay awake. I wrap my shirt around Anthony's arm to stop the bleeding.


I didn't see the face of who did this to me. They were quick to put a blindfold on me. After that, they carved something onto my arm, I don't want to see what horrible thing they might have written. The blood was still coming out fast but Ian wrapped his shirt around my arm. That's the last thing I see before the darkness engulfs the world around me. A weird feeling is spreading throughout me. Before I know it, I wake up the sound of Ian's voice. My eyes flutter open to see Ian and the school nurse hovering above me, talking. Ian's blank expression turned into a somewhat happy one when he looked at me. "Anthony," Ian said before sighing in relief. Then...his face went blank once again and his entire face was pale.


Before Anthony woke up, I was explaining to the nurse what happened. Someone hurt Anthony, and how I found him outside of school. She asked me a few other questions that wasn't really important in this situation. I warned you...What could that mean? Was it directed towards Anthony? Or someone else? None of that matters. Right now, I want to know who. The only person I think would hurt Anthony is my enemy. But didn't tell him anything about the letter!-Wait...I almost did. I almost told Anthony about the letter. That was directed towards me. The message was for me. These thoughts make my expression go blank and my face turn pale. I can't even think about telling Anthony. know what, lets just focus on the present, Ian. "Anthony, you worried me," I told him, running one of my hands through his hair carefully and gently at the same time. Even though I'm smiling at him, I have a lot on my mind. The reason he's hurt is because of me. I'm the reason for someone elses life being hell. It's all my fault. Just because I had to be stupid fucking Ian Hecox.

(A/N) Have I told you how much you readers mean to me? Because you guys are amazing and beautiful and I love you. TIME FOR THE HUGZ <(~^-^~)> *comes out of your screen and hugs you*

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