Chapter 41: Giving Up? I Don't Think So...

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This Kalel looked different from when I last saw her. Her hair was messed up and she was panting angrily, standing in the middle of the street. As if she just got into a fight. Her clothes were ripped. Yet, despite all the differences, the same revenge spark remained in her eyes. A small pocket knife rested in her hands. I was ready for her to come at us and stab me. To my surprise, Kalel only smirks and starts stepping towards us, slowly. "Finally, you got out of that stupid have no idea about the hell I had to go through to get here," She says. "Now what?" Anthony asks her, hesitantly. "C'me here....I'll show you what I want," She beckons Anthony to walk over to her. But he stays put. "Why do you think I would do that Kalel?" He asks. "Because you're scared, you'd be surprised what people do when their scared," Her smirk grows wider.


 "Why don't you just give up Kalel? Anthony doesn't love you!" Ian says, angrily, to the point where it was almost in a yell. Her smirk faded. "You don't know that..." Kalel growls. Ian looks down at the ground. "Yes, he does," I break the sudden silence. Ian looks back up at me. I walk over to him and whisper "Run out of here and call the cops, I'll keep her busy...okay?" His face dropped. "I.....I can't...." Ian whispers back. "Why not?" I ask him, in confusion. "I left my phone in the car....that was a stupid move..." Ian answers. "Me too," I barely am able to reply. "What do we do?" I ask him. "I'm gonna try could be incredibly stupid...or clever...I'm not sure yet," Ian replies. I raise an eyebrow at him then lower it. "Be careful okay?" "Alright," Ian replies. "Hey Kalel! Anthony said he would kiss you if you drop the knife!" Ian yells to Kalel. Kalel grins from ear to ear. What the fuck is Ian doing?


Alright....I can do this. I push Anthony forward a bit, as a way of telling him to walk up to her. "Drop the knife first," Anthony says sternly. "Okay....fine," She replies. Kalel did as told. The knife fell from her hand. They both walk closer to eachother, Anthony being more hesitant than Kalel. Then, they were close, Kalel was up against Anthony. Even though anger is raging inside of me, I continue to do my plan. Kalel was about to kiss Anthony but....In one quick motion, I ran to the knife on the ground and picked it up. Then I ran back over to them. I push them apart and point the pocket knife towards Kalel. I saw him let out a sigh in relief that he didn't have to kiss her. Who would? To my surprise, she doesn't look shocked at all. As if she expected me to do that. Instead, she simply starts laughing. I have a look of bewilderment on my face, and so does Anthony.


Suddenly, Kalel kicked the knife out of Ian's hand, sending it to the ground. I come at her, fist at the ready, but she pushes me away as if its no big deal. Ian comes at her as well, but she grabs his shirt collar. "Don't take another step," She demands, grabbing the knife from the ground. "Or can figure out what happens," Kalel says, pointing the knife at Ian. "Please...." I beg, even though I know it won't do anything. The knife moves closer to Ian slowly. "The beginning of a relashionship....isn't it wonderful? You and I. Together....forever," She smiles to herself. "You love me and you don't even realize it yet. But you will soon. As soon as someone is out of the picture...." Kalel scowls at Ian and then her smile returns when she looks back at me. "No...I never will...if you kill me. I'll kill you," I threaten her. "I'll never love you if you kill Ian. Ever." Kalel has a completely blank face on. I can tell she's determining what to do next.  Ian glups and watches her carefully. "Let him," I say sternly. She held on tighter to Ian's shirt. Everything is almost completely silent. The only thing that can be heard is the undsteady breaths of Ian and I. Kalel looks down at the ground. I take the opportunity and move closer to them. About one yard away from them. She looks back up. "You won't even notice he's gone," Kalel finally replies. The knife starts to graze Ian's chest. "STOP!" I yell, loosing hope. I start to run towards them. At that moment, I saw something peculiar...

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