Chapter 36: Mine

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Every single day of last week, Shaun flirted with Ian. I'm positive it was flirting. I'm ready to slit his throat if he does it one more time (not really I might just loose my temper). I need to talk to Ian about this. It's Sunday now, so I woke up late (as usual) and Ian woke up right before I did. Right now his head is on my chest. Is it weird that I still get a strange tingling feeling whenever he touches me? Hopefully not...because it's wonderful. Focus Anthony....Talk to him about it. Should I bring it up casually? No...that would make me seem okay with the whole situation. If I say it too seriously, then I might seem clingy. Or.... "Hey Ian?" I say. Ian looks up at me "Yeah?" He replies. "You do realize you're mine right? No one elses." Ian laughs a bit "Where did that come from?" He asks me. "I don't know....but you are mine and you should know that." Ian smiles adorably. "I know, and same goes for you Mr. Padilla," He answered, giggling. I laughed a little as well and then started tickling him."S-stop!" Ian said inbetween giggles. "Only if you say that you're mine and no one elses!" I say, laughing. "I-I'm yours a-and n-no one el-elses," He replies still laughing. I stop tickling him. Ian catches his breath while I'm still laughing slightly. 


After catching my breath, I smile. "Meanie," I say jokingly. Anthony ruffles my hair affectionately. But...I'm still a bit curious where all of that came from. I don't know. Maybe I'm just extremely ignorant, or Anthony's good at hiding things or (like he said) it just popped into his mind somehow and he wanted to make sure. Either way, its still nice to know that I'm Anthony's. Is it weird to feel this way about someone? Well....maybe it's only weird to me. This whole love thing. I don't think I've ever really loved someone like I love Anthony. This all sounds like it came out of some chick flick but its the truth. No one comes to mind except Anthony when I think about love. Anthony looks down at me. I'm gazing at him aren't I. Crap... "Something wrong?" He asks me. "No...." I still have a goofy grin on my face from earlier. "Okay blue eyes," Anthony replies. "Blue eyes?" I ask. "You have blue eyes so I tried out a nickname," He answered. I roll my eyes jokingly. "I like it."


A moment later, my phone rang. I grabbed my phone and answered it. "Hello?" I answer. "Hello is this Anthony Padilla and/or Ian Hecox?" A deep voiced man answers. "This is Anthony but Ian is right next to me....who is this?" I ask. "This is Arnold Berg, I'm with the police department. I was told to inform you that Ian and you will need to come to the court house next Saturday. Since you claim you were kidnapped by Kalel Cullen. Therefore we need you there," He responds. I nod "We will be there," I reply. We go back and forth, giving information (He told me which court house and the time while I told him my email, address, etc...). After about a minute of talking back and forth, he hangs up. "What was that about babe?" Ian asks me. "We're going to court."

(A/N) Hello! So my chapters are kind of low-key lately. Next chapter will be too, but the chapter after that....get ready. DUN DUN DUUUUNNN *suspense intensifies*

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