Chapter 26: Alone

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"Ian?" My groggy yet shaky voice says. Is Ian...leaving? I walk over to him slowly. Before I know whats happening, Ian slams his lips against mine. "I'm sorry but I really need to go," Ian says, breaking the kiss. He starts running towards the door but I grab his shirt. "Ian tell me whats going on!" I demanded, way more harsh sounding than I meant it to. Ian looks up at me with those blue puppy dog eyes that are filled with tears. "Sorry...I didn't mean to sound like that," I apologize. "Let me go," Ian replied. My eyes widened. "Let me go!" He yells. In shock, I let go of him and Ian scurried out of my house. Why...why did he leave? Did I do something? Is he coming back? Where is he going to go? I highly doubt his parents are going to let him back into their house. Hopefully they will. But a part of me says the opposite so Ian is forced to come back. But...if leaving is what makes him happy, then I encourage it. All the questions and possible answers swirl around my head. Somewhat like a whirlwind. A whirlwind inside of my head. And that's when I noticed a small note on the countertop, in Ian's handwriting.


This is exactly why I couldn't face him and say it. I'm running away to who knows where. I can't go back to my own house. Why in the world would my parents invite me back? I'm starting to run out of breath so I sit down in a small alley way. It's small so it should keep my body heat in. I look over at the end of the alley. I see...Anthony?!? I blink twice, and then he was gone. It was my imagination.


I read the letter slowly. What does he mean by "I'm doing it for you"? It doesn't make sense. If he loves me, why did he leave? Did I send him wrong signals and he thinks I hate him? Hopefully not. The note is slightly water damaged. Ian's tears maybe? Oh god...I should find-no. He wanted to leave. I can't do that to him.


I have so many problems right now. My parents hate me and are alcholics.


My parents are always gone.


I left the warmth and comfort of a nice house.


Even though the house is comfy, it seems so dark.


I've been threatened and beaten multiple times.


I'm constantly being talked to by a bitch.


And the worst part is...I'm all alone.

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