Ch. 3

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I walk into the cabin with Jay and see Alex and Chris chatting at the table. "Honey, I'm home" They both turn around. "What do you wan-" Chris pauses in the middle of his sentence. "Y-y/n? Hi. Are you going to be staying with us?" I nod my head. "Yup. For most the summer." I walk to the bunks and Jay follows. "Y/n, you can sleep in either of these bunks." He points to the fully untaken bunk bed. "I'll take the bottom, I'm afraid I might fall off if I have the top." I plop my bag on the bed. "Okay, if you need anything else just ask." He waves and walks out the door.

I walk to the table with the two boys talking. "Hmm, why is there an empty bunk?" Alex shrugs his shoulders. "I think the guy is late or we may have an extra bed." I take a seat on the comfy couch. "I call dibs if no one's using it." Chris quickly replies. "That's not fair. How about no one uses it or since Y/n is a special guest to this camp she can use it." I smile and feel a bit of gratefulness for the kind gesture. "Aww that's sweet of you, but if he wants it that's fine. I'm gonna go for a walk. Cya guys. I'll be back in a while."

It's so beautiful. I can't believe it. I'm staying at an all boys camp. A lot of the guys here seem nice. I would have been expecting boys pranking me left and right. There are all different types of trees that cluster the mountain filled area. The light breeze is so warm and gentle. The air is filled with the scent of campfires and nature. I sit down on a bench. I wish I would have grabbed a book before I left. I sit there and look at the magnificent blue sky with some wisps of white puffy clouds. I notice a boy with black hair and dark eyes like coal wandering in confusion. He looks lost.

 He looks lost

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"Um, Do you need help?" He turns around and looks at me. "Ew, a female. Go away, I'm perfectly capable of finding my way around." Well, that was rude. "Just tell me what you're looking for. I can help." He pulls a paper away from my sight behind his back. "Didn't I tell you to leave me be you, stupid girl". I grab the paper from his hand. I look at the paper stating his cabin number. Its cabin 14... this is gonna be a long summer. "You're looking for cabin 14. Follow me." He forcefully rips back his paper. "I don't need your help." He says is a cocky aggressive tone. "Yeah yeah, follow me. Unless you wanna be there by sunset." He rolled his eyes and followed. We walked to the cabin in complete silence. The once calming air was turned into a suffocating and chilling atmosphere.

"So... Wha-" He cuts my sentence off. "Don't speak to me." I was just gonna ask what his name was. "We're here." We stop in front of the cabin. He turns around facing towards me, "Stupid girl." He scoffs and proceeds to walk up the steps. He looks back at me following him. "Do not follow me." He rolled his coal textured eye's. "Well, this is my cabin too so..." I continue to walk up the steps. "WHAT!" I smile and open the door. "Come on in bunky." He stands there in astonishment. "Absolutely not! Never! And call me Tristan, not 'bunky', it sounds stupid. Like you." He spits. "Well, suit yourself". I walk into the cabin. "Hey Y/n." Alex and Chris say in harmony. "What was that all about?" Alex says and looks at the door. "Oh nothing, just the new bunky". "Well, he seems friendly" I laugh at Chris's comment. "I found him cluelessly wandering around the campground." "Can we keep him!" Jay says in an excited and sarcastic manner. "That's up to him."

I walk into my room and jump onto the bed. I still can't even wrap my head around today. I check my phone. No new texts. 4:36. 23%. I plug my phone into a nearby outlet and lay back down. I feel like I need a nap. I close my eyes and cuddle up on my made bed... Wait... Made bed? I open my eyes. I didn't do this? Who made my bed? Oh well, I'm too tired to try and find out. I close my eyes again and drift off.

Harem Camp (Reverse Harem x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now