Ch. 23

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"Gahhh!?!" I scream in terror as I fall down an endless hole. It feels like I stopped but I'm too terrified to open my eyes. I open my eyes to see in a room. Hmm, such a plain room. "W-where am I? Hello? Anyone here?" I rub my head trying to remember what happened before the drop. I stand up and inspect the dull room. I notice a table with a tiny bottle on it. It says 'drink me'. Yeah, I'm not drinking some random bottle of liquid. I keep searching. This room is still very dull- hey, look!? I squat down and see a tiny curtain almost the size of a mouse hole. What in the world? I push the miniature velvet cloth to the side and see a door. Well, I'm at a loss. I scratch my head. "Hurry Alice we mustn't be late." I look down at my feet to see a tiny well-dressed human with rabbit ears and a poofy tail. "Alice?" I repeat to the half human half rabbit. "Yes, hurry hurry now." Why does he look familiar? "Alex?" I half mutter to myself. "I am the white rabbit" He jumps onto the table and tosses the small bottle at me. I quickly catch it in my palm. "Drink up now." I shrug my shoulders and take a sip. "Eww!?" I drop the bottle which is now half the size of me. What the hell? "What just happened to me you damn rabbit!?" He smiles and runs out the door. "Get back here you vermin!!" I follow him through the once miniature, wooden door.

I try to catch my breath as I completely lose track of the rabbit. "What do I have to hurry for? Where am I?" I yell hoping he hears. "I can answer that my dear." I turn around. "C-Chris?" He laughs. "I am the Cheshire cat." He runs his hand through his hair and ears. It's another half animal half human. "Where am I?" I question once again. "I can answer that... for a kiss." His tail slowly moves left to right. "I don't have time for this." I walk past him. He reappears in front of me. Whaa? "Where are you even planning on going if you don't know where you are?" He asks. "I'm not sure." I roll my eyes and walk past the cat again. "Come on. Just one kiss and I'll tell you everything you want to know." "Just one?." He nods his head. I squeeze my eye's shut and quickly kiss the boy. A big grin spreads across his face. "My dear Alice, you're in Wonderland." "Wonderland?" He nods his head with the same conspicuous smile. I look around at the tall mushrooms and flowers. "So, what exactly is wonderlan-. He's gone! You've gotta be kidding me!?" I continue walking down the dirt trail.

I hear loud laughing coming from over the hill. Someone else must be here. I rush up the hill and see a tea table set up and 3 more new people. I walk over to the table. "Why hello there Alice. Come join us." A red-headed boy in a weird looking hat gets up and walks me to a set. "Jay?" He shakes his head. "Most people call me the Hatter." He sits me down in a chair. "Some tea love?" A person with mouse ears approaches me with a cup of tea. "Umm, sure... Tristan." He sets down the cup. "Wow, your not really good at names are ya? I'm the dormouse." He smiles at me and stirs in some cream and sugar for my tea. "Get the girl some more sugar. Ladies love sweets." I see another rabbit but with brown hair come running over with a handful of sugar cubes. "No thanks, Luke." He plops the cubes into my drink and vigorously stirs them in. "Hmm, the stupid mouse is right. You gotta get to know our names better." He continues mixing the drink. "Hey! At least I'm not crazy, fuzzy butt." The mouse returns with a burn. "Are you talking about the hatter or me." The rabbit says pointing toward the Hatter. The Hatter throws a cup at the rabbit. They all burst into a laugh. They have an all-out teacup throwing war. Well, this is one mad tea-party. "So, what brings you here Alice?" The Hatter says while ducking a flying cup. "I'm not quite sure but... I have to go." I get up from the extravagant green chair. The cups stop going through the air. "But Alice you just arrived." The mouse grabs my hand. "I really need to leave." I pull away and run. "Don't worry. We'll be seeing her quiet soon." I hear the Hatter say.

I really need to get out of here. I'm not sure what to do or where to go. I sit on a stone and try to think of what to do. I stare up to see a bubble float past my face. Another one goes by. What the?... You know what I'm not even shocked anymore. I see another bubble go past my face. I stand back up to see where the bubble came from. "Justin?" A boy sitting on a large flower looks over at me. He shakes his head and blows on a bubble stick. "I'm a mere caterpillar. Please sit with me for a moment." Why not. It's not like I have anything better to do after I escaped the tea-party. I seat myself near him. "You look like a normal boy and do you need anything?" He nods his head. "Can you tell me your name?" I think for a second. "I think it's Alice." I scratch my head. "Are you positive about that?" I think again. "Well, I'm pretty sure. People keep calling me Alice." He shakes his head. "It doesn't necessarily mean your name is Alice." I stare him in the eyes. "I suppose that's true." We sit in silence for a bit. "Well, mysterious girl. If you promise to be mine. I can give you back all your memories if you'd like." I tilt my head. "'Be yours'?" He nods. "You know. Like date me, marry me, have kids." I freeze up. "Woah Woah Woah there slick. Isn't that a little to fast?" "I meant over time." I hear distant yells of the name 'Alice' being called.

The three boys from before run up to me. The hatter places a hand on my shoulder. "He's lying, Alice please come with me." I back away from them. I bump into the white rabbit. "Alice, please come with me." W-what's happening? The mouse grabs my hand and kisses it. "Alice please, let's go." The cat appears out of nowhere and smacks the mouse's hand. "Don't touch my sweet Alice in such a manner." The cat gives me a grin. "Whoever said she was yours? Alice, I can show you the true way. A world filled with sweets and never-ending love." The other rabbit says in a loving way. Everyone crowds around me. "Alice you must choose. Who do you trust the most?" The caterpillar says. "Why do you guys always have to make me choose." Everyone hushes and the atmosphere is noiseless. "Hmm, you said 'always'. Explain." The caterpillar says. "D-did I. I'm sorry..." It's dead silent. "It's not like a have a choice to choose one of you or not either. I'd just get lost..." All eyes are on me. "Well, I guess I'll choose..."

"Y/N, WAKE UP!??! THERE'S A SNAKE!?!?!" I feel my body being pushed out of bed. My eyes jolt wide open. "GAHH!?! Tr-Tristan? What the hell was that for?" He points to the floor. I look down to see a snake. I squint my and get a closer look. "Ugh, baby." I walk past it and grab a long stick from outside. "Come on little guy." He crawls up the stick and I run to the front door and toss the stick. "Y/n, you could have been killed!?" Tristan is still cowering on the bed. "Calm down ya big baby. It wasn't poisonous or anything. Ugh, you woke me up for that." I sit back down on the bed. He calms down a bit. "So anyway, how did you even notice that a snake was in here?" He pulls the covers over himself and I. "I was kind of restless and I saw the door slowly crack open and I got scare- I mean worried. So I looked over and saw a snake and yeah... How was your dream? You seemed upset when I woke you." I lay back down. "Well anyone would be upset being shaken awake while sleeping and my dream... Well. I can't even explain it. Let's go back to bed, little mouse." He looked at me concerned. "What?' I smiled. "Oh, nothing. Good night."

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