Ch. 17

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I stare at the vivid sky and all its vibrant colors. The tiny fuzzy's from the wishing flowers fall down like snow. The gentle warm breeze graces against my hair. I take a deep blissful breath of the pleasant mellow air and sit back in a delightful state of euphoria. "Buurrrrpp.... Excuse me." I stare over at Justin. "Well, that just ruined the moment." He rubs the back of his neck. "Heh, sorry." I shake my head and snicker. "Come on let's go find Luke. I'm starving." I jump off the brick wall.

The kitchen lights are on and it's past 7 pm so dinner is over. I rush into the building with Justin as my shadow. "O-oh uhh, hey Y/n. Umm" Luke quickly runs around the counter and covers what he is making. I make a questioning face and look around to see Chris and Jay. "Watcha got there?" I inch my way toward Luke. "Oh uhm. Nothing." He stretches and then stiffens his posture. "Well if it's nothing then can I see whats behind your back?" I calmly approach him. "N-No" I make a fierce face and try and move him from his spot. I quickly jolt to the side of him to try and catch a peak but he completely blocks. "Just let me see?!" I push his head trying to see what ingredients are laying on the counter. "No!" I see someone swiftly walk by me, Luke and I both freeze. Justin holds up a bottle and sniffs it. "It's alcohol." He places the bottle down. "Luke, why are you making alcohol?" I tilt my head. "Th-they made me" He blatantly points a finger and the two other boys and the room. "Why would Chris and Jay make you and why did you even listen to them?" I make an even more concerning face. "Because we were gonna tell you that he mmfffmmmff" Jay puts a hand over Chris's mouth. "Heh, he doesn't know what he's saying. You know kids just wanna have a bit of fun from time to time. A little alcohol can't kill us or anything and it's completely organic. No worries y/n." I roll my eyes "You know there are laws for a reason right?" Chris shoves Jay's hand off of his mouth. "Yeah yeah, mom. Luke it's done right?" He holds up the bottle. "Just take it and go." Jay gladly walks over and steals the bottle from his hand and gives him a noogie. "Thanks, bro. Let's go." Chris follows behind him and they fade off in the distance.

"Are you mad at me?" Luke raises his head and looks up at me. "Yes, but if you make me, you and Justin some dinner I'll be less mad." He stands straight. "You guys have anything in mind." Before I can even think I hear a quick reply. "How about shish kabobs? I haven't had one of those in years." Luke heads to the fridge. "Sounds good"

"Luke. That. Was. Amazing." I say while rubbing my full stomach. "Oh. It's no biggie. Anything for you y/n" He smiles and starts to pick up the dishes of the table. "Thanks, Luke" Justin hands him his plate. Luke nods his head and takes his plate. "Thank you again, Luke. Justin and I are gonna head out." "Um, w-where? It's almost curfew." Luke says in an anxious tone. "We're just going on walk." Justin waves to Luke and then takes my hand and quickly walks out the door. The door closes shut. I loud clatter. "Did something smash? Should we go back?" I ask while turning my head. "I'm sure he got it."

We spend the rest of our night walking and chatting. We talk about the past and we talk about our bunky's and how our camp experience. It started raining and he walks me back to my cabin. "Thank you, Justin, for the night. I had fun. Good night." I smile and wave my hand and walk up the steps. "Um, y/n. Would you like to go on a date? Maybe next week.... But I mean it's completely up to you and I know you don't really like that kind of stuff but I mean it could be fun. I liked you ever since we were little and-" I put my finger on his lips "Justin" "Yesh?" "I'll think about it. Also, you gotta work on lady skills" He laughs. "I'll try. Good night y/n" He kisses my forehead. "Good night" I walk up the steps and enter the door.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I walk in to see a raccoon on the couch sitting next to a drunk Chris and Jay. "Oh heyya y/n" Chris stalks up but quickly stumbles back. "WHY IS THERE A RACCOON ON THE COUCH!?!" "Who him? Well, He seemed lonely and hungry. So we invited him in and fed him some cheez it's." Jay says and hands the creature a cheez it. I stare at the small animal and wonder how they even got him there. I see a small puddle starting to spread from underneath the raccoon. "I-is he peeing!? That's it." I open the door and grab a broom. " Shoo. Shoo you pest." I poke the raccoon with the broom. It won't move!? Please just go away so I can beat these knuckleheads. I give the varmint a jab and he does a hissy growl and runs away. I slam the door after it runs out. "Hey! That was my friend." Chris says pointing at the shelf 4 feet away from me. I roll my eye's. "I'm over here and I'm going to bed now."

I see my bed and plop on it. I see Tristan and Alex sleeping already. I set my bed and get cozy. Finally some sleep. I close my eye's.

I hear mumbles and slight taps poke my face. Hmmhhhh. I roll around and grumble. "Y/n. C-can I sleep with you?" I open my eyes and see the silhouette of what looks like Tristan. I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight. "Whats wrong with your bed?". I struggle to keep my eye's open. "It's raining and the leak is back. Also I smelled piss coming from the couch in there and the floor is too hard on my back." I rub my eye's "Can't you go lay with someone else." "They'll just shove me out of the bed. Watch." Tristan takes his pillow and places next to Chris. "So?" "Just wait" All of a sudden the pillow goes flying across the room. "Oh... Fine. Don't try anything funny." "I wouldn't dream of it." He lays next to me and we are back to back with each other. "Night". "Thank you. Good night y/n" I close my eyes and go to sleep.

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