Ch. 9

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June 21, Tuesday

"Hey y/n. Get up hurry." I feel a light tap on my shoulder and the familiar voice of Chris. "Come on y/n. We're gonna miss it". "5 more minutes" I suddenly feel myself be lifted and thrown over his shoulder. "Aghhh. Put me down" "We gotta go" "W-why, Can I get dressed? Why is everyone else still sleeping? What time is it?" "It's 4:40 and hurry. Get dressed in the bathroom." I grab an outfit and my phone. "Come on". I slide my flip flops on and follow him.

He leads me to a small boat. "Madam" He takes my hand and helps me in. "Thank you". Is he gonna kidnap me? On a boat? I much rather be sleeping right now. The sun isn't even up. What is he up to? "Soo... Chris...Where are we going?" "You'll see soon beautiful... Umm, I mean y/n. Heh. Just don't worry and look at the scenery." Well. Ok then... Am I going crazy? He covers my eyes. "We're here" He helps me out of the boat. We start walking with his hands still over my eyes. He removes his hands.

It's a picnic. There is a blue blanket with a picnic basket and a cup with beautiful tulips. "Take a seat." I sit down. "This is so nice. What is all this for?" "I wanted to say sorry but I wasn't sure how to do that without still seeming like a jerk so I did this." "A 'sorry' would have worked. Though I mean. This is awesome. I accept your apology". He grabs the picnic basket and pulls out a few containers and silverware. He hands me a container with a dark blue lid and a fork and a butter knife. "Open it". I open it. It reveals french toast with strawberries, blue berries, and bananas. It smells so freaking good. "Try a bite" I place the container on my lap and pick up my fork and butter knife. I place a bite in my mouth. "It's good" "I know it's not as good as Alex's but I tried my best." We both quietly eat. It's so beautiful here. I wanna take a picture. I pull out my phone.


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Perfect. "Um... y/n... I need to tell you something... I love you." He looks down at his lap. I'm not falling for this again. "Yeah, suuurrreee you do. I know you're just trying to get a rise out of me. It's not gonna work." I cross my arms. "I-I'm not lying" "Stop trying to make me blush. I thought this picnic was supposed to be an apology. It's not goin-". He suddenly clashed his lips with mine. My eyes are wide open and they slowly close as I calmed myself. W-w-w-w-what. Oh. My. God. WHHHAAATTTTTT! He pulls away. "I mean it. I love you. Your eyes. Your smile. Your laugh. I don't really need an answer at this moment. I just needed to get it off my chest." My face turns candy-apple red. Gahh. "Uhh, umm, ehh?" He laughs. "It's ok. Are you ready to go back?" I nod my head.

"So... You haven't said a word this whole time." Chris looks into my eyes. "S-sorry". I'm not sure what to say. Oh, I see the dock. He jumps out of the boat and grabs my hand. "I have to go help with an activity. I'll see you later." He kisses my hand and runs off. Guess I'll walk back now. How did I go from social outcast to... Gahhh. It reminds me of one of those cliche movies. Wait, so am I the stupid pretty popular girl? No no no. I'm me. The same person who was so advanced in elementary school they had to set me up with a whole educational program. The same person who cheated the system prize to get this trip. Also, I'm way too lazy to keep up with appearances and be popular. So I'm the intelligent mediocre semi socially awkward girl... Sounds about right.

"Y/n, where were you?" Tristan and Jay both say at the same time. "I was with Chris". "Alex told us he saw you and Luke kissing last night. Is that true?" Jay says with anger. "A-Alex told you that?". "Is it true y/n?" Tristan walks toward me. "Yes". "Why would he do that. Why would you let him do that?" Tristan put his hand on my cheek and I removed it. "Tristan. Jay. Take a chill pill. It wasn't my first kiss". "Really y/n cause you really don't remind me of one of those girls that throw themselves at guys. Who was your first kiss and when and how many guys have you kissed?" Jay rushes me with questions. "That's my business but if it will get you off my back. It was 2nd grader who thanked me for doing his homework and I was his crush. That's the only guy I ever kissed before I came here". "Wait. What were you doing with Chris?" "We just had a picnic." "So... like a date?" "No. What is with all these questions? I'm gonna go take a shower".

That was so refreshing. It really cleared my mind. I feel so relaxed. My phone buzzes. Huh? It's Jay. 8:12am. Jay: You wanna hang later? Uhh, should I say yes? It's not like I have anything better to do. You: What would you wanna do? Does that sound too awkward? Jay: There's a movie later. Fast and furious. Action movies aren't my first pick but since it's a guys camp I'm guessing they aren't gonna play Titanic. You: Sure. Guess I have plans later. Jay: Cya then.

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