Ch. 32

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Spade and I casually walk through the park."We've spent almost the whole entire day together just doing nonsense Spade. What else can we do?" Spade looks over at me with his tongue sticking out half way about to lick his ice cream. "Nonsense? I personally love coloring and dancing. What more could we do? It's almost 5 pm." I take a seat at the picnic table and watch Spade struggle with licking ice cream off his nose. "True... Also... The nickname Spade sounds too cool for you. I'll figure out a new one." He scowls at me and puffs his chest out. "Is this scary enough for you?" Suddenly a squirrel runs onto the table and jumps past Spade making him drop his frozen treat. "MY ICE CREAM!? WHY, WHY MUST YOU HATE ME GOD?" I shake my head. "Yeah. As I said, new nickname. You know Spade you have to be the most innocent person at this camp despite your nickname. How did you even receive that name?" He hung his head in shame.

"Well, In the past I was a big scary guard for an underground casino. They saw my tough look and thought I was perfect for the job. They called me Spade as a code name so no one knew my real name. Even though my real name sounds fake anyways. Though, there were always famous and well-known people who would go there to gamble. There were people from the mafia, well-known business owners, gang leader and even political figures. I intimidated people just by standing there. I'm not really sure why I'm acting like I am right now. I feel more like myself around you. I'm not actually a big, strong, and scary person. I like kittens and coloring. Heck, pull some stickers or bubbles out and my eyes will light up." We both laugh. I can't even believe this guy. How can someone be so innocent like him? "Well, I think I'll be going back now." I get up and walk toward my destination and he stands up and follows me. "I'll walk you there. If you'd like?" I nod. We proceeded with the journey back.

As we approach the cabin I finally think of a name. "Kido. I think it means brightness in Japanese." He tilts his head. "Kiddo? I'm not a child." I shake my head. You act like it sometimes. "It's pronounced Key dou. Like that." He takes a moment for the name to sink in. "Hmm, ok. I like it. Kido. Cool... See ya y/n." I wave him goodbye. "Kido. I love it." He quietly mumbles under his breath. "Did you say something?" He turns around and smiles. "Oh nothing. Bye bye!" He races away with a bright grin on his face.

July 8 Thursday

I walk into the kitchen and grab a cup from the counter. I turn on the water and get a glass. I'm so thristy. The water looks a greenish color. "Ew. What the heck." I pour out the water into the sink. Gross, I thought this was a rich camp. Justin walks into the kitchen and sees 's a cup in my hand. "Don't drink it Y/n!" He smacks the plastic sup out of my hand. It bounces across the floor. "Um... Hi to you too." He grabs me by the shoulders and stares me in the eyes. "Did you drink any of that?" I shake my head and he loosens his grip. "Thank goodness." He walks over to the couch and sits down. He pushes the sweat from his head to the side and makes a contemplating face. "What was that about?" I sit next to him worried. "Apparently a pipe broke for the water system. A bunch of mold and bacteria got into it. It's making the students sick. Some of them physically and some mentally." I hold a concerned look. "Please tell zombies aren't going to start." He chuckles at the claim. "No no. Nothing like that. Some of the campers here are quickly starting to get sick and its only from overnight. They're trying to fix it but it may take a while to fix and clean. I'm just worried about the kids here drinking it." He rubs his head in distress. "What exactly is happening to those who drink it?" He gets up and turns on the sink to examine the water. "Some are becoming very ill. Some are hallucinating and say crazy things. I gotta go and warn the other. Y/n, don't drink the water. Do you got a notebook anywhere?" "Dresser 3rd drawer down." He shuts the water off and grabs a notebook from the dresser in the bedroom. "Wasn't planning on it. Bye Justin." He rushes out the door and gives a quick wave. "I wonder if there's any bottled water anywhere."

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