Ch. 12

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June 25, Saturday
(2 days later)

The nice woman I met the first day privately called me down here to speak but she said she had to deal with some kid that got a bump on the head. She insisted he wait but he refused. I sit and wait for my name to be called. What could she possibly call me here for? Am I in trouble? "Y/n. Please step into my office."

I walk into the white office with plants scattered here and there. I stand near the door as a brown hair boy passes me off with an ice pack on his head. "Yes, miss?" She waves her hand for me to come further in the room. "Please sit. I have some very unfortunate news. I'm so sorry y/n, but your cousin Maria has passed away Friday night. She died in a house fire.".... I feel tears running down my cheeks. S-she can't be dead, ha. She's lying, haha. She wants to see me cry. "Is this a joke? You're kidding right?" "I'm afraid not" She's kidding. She has to be. M-my best friend can't be dead. No not my best friend. She was basically my sister. She was with me since birth. She was only a few years older than me. Sh-she is not dead. I start laughing. "WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKES DO YOU PEOPLE TELL!?" She walked over to me and squeezed me tight in her arms. I scream as loud as I can into her shirt. She pushes my head further into her shoulder and rubs my back. I scream even louder and cry my soul out, leaving a stain of tears flooding her shirt. "I'm going to call a few of your bunk mates to help comfort you as much as possible. They'll be here in a bit. If you need or want anything just tell me."

(Flash back)

"1....2...3...4...5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ready or not here I come y/n" Hehe. This is great hiding spot. She'll never find me here. "GOTCHA." I jump back. "B-but how? It was such a good spot." "Y/n you always hide behind the couch." "Cause it's such a good spot." I crawl out from my hiding place. "Y/n, Marie. Supper." "Coming" We both say at the same time and run to the dinner table. Ohh, fat yellow short cheese spaghetti. My favorite. "Y/n, are you calling mac and cheese fat yellow short cheese spaghetti again in your head?" "Wha-. How did you know?" "Cause you've always called it that until I told you it was called mac and cheese" We both giggle and dig in.

"Girls time for bed. We're going to the zoo tomorrow so get some sleep" "K aunty" "K night mom". We both jump under the covers of Maria's bed and snuggle up. She pulls out a flashlight and a book. "Y/n. Spooky stories?" I nod my head in excitement. "Are ya sure. You were pretty scared last time." I nod my head again. "It's ok. You'll protect me from the monsters." She starts to read about an old haunted scientist house.

"And then as the little boy walked up the steps he couldn't believe what he saw. It was a... MONSTER!" She grabs my shoulders as she yelled the word in my ear. "AHH!?" I tighten my hold around Maria's stuffed penguin. "Haha, It's ok. No more spooky stories time for sleep." "B-but the monster" "It's ok, I'll beat it up if it even goes near you." "Promise?" I put my pinky up and she intertwines hers with mine. She smiles at me. "Always". We lay down and go to sleep.

(End of flash back)

I was still hysterically crying in the nurse's arms. I hear a set of foot steps walk into the office. I look up to see Luke and Tristan. They both decided to skip the weekly morning hike which was almost 3 hours long. I just wanted to cry in the corner but Luke carried me to the cabin. He placed me on the couch. Tristan sits next to me and shoves my head into his chest. "It's ok. You can cry. Let all your feelings out." I weep into his black clothing. He pets my head. Luke walks over to me and lays his body against mine. "Tell me about her". I sniffle "W-why do you wanna know". I sit up and turn away from Tristan. "I wanna see how special she really was. Her name was Maria. Correct?" I nod my head. "She was one of the strongest p-people I knew. She was like my sister. She was funny and kind. One time s-she punched a clown for me and stomped on his big red shoe." We both laughed as I wiped away tears. "A-and another time I -I thought that my pet hamster wasn't breathing so she gave it CPR" We both laughed even more as tears still made their way out of my eyes. I tell him even more stories until 3 hours pass by.

Chris, Alex, and Jay walk through the door while I was still crying and hugging Luke, Tristan was petting my head. "W-what's going on here?" The red headed boy asks. Luke gets up and whispers something to the males that just arrived "Oh. Y/n, I'm so sorry." Chris walks over to me and gives me a hug. "Y/n, you wanna go do something fun to take your mind off it?" I shake my head. "I just wanna sit here and cry". "Oh, come on y/n. You can't do that. We could go do laser tag or get something to eat." Jay asks. "I'm not hungry". Luke walks back over to me. "Nonsense. You didn't eat all day. I can make you something"

We end up going to get something to eat. Luke makes burgers and hot dogs. Chris suggests we have a picnic so we go near a soccer field where some of the picnic tables are. Alex pulls out all the food and passes it out. I stare at my burger. I really don't want to eat. My stomach is in a knot. I feel a ball hit me upside the head. "Ow!". I rub my head. "I'm so sorry... Y/n?". I look up. "Justin?" All the boys look over to the male. "Who's this?" Jay asks in confusion. "Justin? Oh, he's my cousin Maria's boyfriend's little brother. He's also my ex". Justin walks closer to me and stands over my shoulder. All the males seated look appalled at us. "Y/n, we were just kids. That was years ago." We both laugh. "You were also my first kiss". All heads shift from Justin to me. "WHAT!?" All the boys seated at the table say at once. "Yup" I nod my head and giggle. Suddenly Justin bends over and squeezes me in his arms. "I've missed you so much y/n."

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