Ch. 36

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"Y/n we should hide behind a tree or something." Tristan turns his head and looks around. "Y/n?" I stand up from my position in a nearby bush. "Over here. Come on." I signal my hand to come over. He runs over to the bush and crawls through it. "Huh. It's actually pretty spacious in here." He says in a hushed voice. We silently wait for another player to make there way past for the flag.

Tristan's P.O.V (Yes, I'm finally doing a pov. Don't judge me.)

"Y/n. I really hope we win." Y/n nods her head. "So do I. Can I practically smell the beautiful scent of old and new books. I'm gonna read and then relax in the hot tub. I'm really excited." It's like she glimmers with joy and hope in each word she speaks. I love her so much. I wish she could just see that. The others can't love her as much as I do. She can be mine if I just make her see it my way. Just force her. I stare at her. Her perfect e/c eye's. Her sweet luscious lips. So delicate. Beautiful as cherry blossoms in spring... Wait... What the hell am I saying? She said she wasn't into me... Actually, she said she "wasn't sure." Maybe she loves one of the others. D-do they plan on taking my precious Y/n away? They can't... Not if I take her away first. That's a perfect idea. I have a nice mansion far away from society on a island. She can be mine. We can be happy. Together... WHAT AM I SAYING. SH-SHUT UP!? Whats happening. Am I going insane?... Insane for y/n. She's right there... Take her.

Your P.O.V

"NO! Go away thoughts!?" All of a sudden Tristan screams in terror and agony. I jump back in surprise. "Oh my gosh. Whats wrong? A-Are you ok? Tristan!" I tap the petrified boy holding his head. "Whats wrong!?" He furiously shakes his head. "I-I. Nothing! Y/n?" He looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." He leaned his form into my chest. I can feel him trembling. What was he even thinking about? I gently pet his head trying to calm him. "Are you ok?" He rubs his eye's and nods. "Ok... It's ok." I continue to pet the raven-haired boy's head. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a yellow belt bolt past my eye's. I quickly stand up and shoot the trespasser.

"Oh, Hey y/n." Luke waves and quickly grabs his walkie-talkie. "I'm out. Yeah... I know, oh well." He puts it away. "See ya Y/n. Good luck." He makes his way toward the gates. His figure slowly disappears into the endless trees. "Woo-hoo. I got one." I skip back to the bush to take cover. "Nice hit y/n." Tristan congratulates me. "Why thank you." I bow my head. About a minute later I see Alex sprinting towards our base with two other people chasing him. I take my aim and shoot both of the males in the legs while still in the bushes. OH MY GOSH!? I ACTUALLY HIT BOTH OF THEM!? Wow, I don't suck at something. I stand up and run toward Alex and give him a huge hug. "I trusted you and we got a flag! Woo-hoo!?" Alex squeezes himself deeper into the embrace. I look over at the bushes for Tristan. I see him with an insidious scowl staring at Alex and I. I pull away from the affectionate hug and make my way over to the desolate male. "Hey, are you ok? You've been off today." His expression quickly snaps into a happy and lighthearted look. "Oh, nothing. Heh, just in deep thought. Anyways, we got a flag. Does that mean we won?" I scratch my head. "Does it. Hmm... I don't know. Alex?" I look over to him and he shrugs his shoulders.

We wait for any sign of the end of the game. We keep our eyes glued on our home base flag and the stolen yellow flag. I notice Tristan glaring at Alex but his mood clearly changes every time he see's when I glance over at him. My walkie-talkie goes off. "Hey guys. Good job. Make your way toward the start." I fist pump the air and start to skip to start with joy. "We won guys. Come on, hustle." I look back at the males carrying the blue and yellow flags.

"Team blue step forward." The stern male announces. Our team steps forward with pride. "Red step forward." I get curious and look over at their team. I see Kido, Chris, and a random kid come forward. "Both teams have won the mansion for 3 days due to a tie. You will all stay there for a 3-day paradise, you will share. So pack your stuff cause next morning you will be going. A van will be in front of the camp gates at 8 am. Be prepared and congratulations to the winners. You are dismissed." Everyone exits the tent.

I run over to Kido. "Hey Kido. I see you got paired with Chris. How did that go?" He jolts his head in my direction. "Y/N!" He jumps in my arms. "It sucked. I just hid in a tree with the other kid. I tried to only think of you and not care about him. The other guy didn't really talk much and it was boring." I laugh at the childish male leaning into my hold. "Oh wow. I'm glad you kept it together though. Will you be ok at the mansion with him?" He stands up properly. "I-I don't know... I guess as long as your there y/n... I'll be fine." I smile. "That's good. Then let's enjoy the trip together. We can read and play games. It will be fun." He smiles back. "That sounds super fun. I got to go and pack for tomorrow. See ya Y/n." He waves bye and I wave back.

Chris soon approaches me. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?" I ignore him in spite of what he did to Kido. "Y/n?" I keep walking and stare at the sky as if no one was there. "...Princess... Princess. Are you actually mad at me over what I did?" I turn my head toward him and stared daggers into his soul. "...Erm. I'll take it as a yes." I walk even faster toward the cabin and pay no attention to him. "Are you gonna acknowledge me at all?" I roll my eye's and continue to ignore his presence. "What can I do to make it up?..." I stop in my tracks. "APOLOGIZE!" He looks at me in shock. "I want you to go apologize to that poor boy. He didn't deserve that. Just say sorry to him." His eyes full of self-shame wander to his shoes as I lecture him on his wrong doing. "Fine... then you have to stop ignoring me." He walks away depressed on his way to find the other male. I hope that actually works out. Maybe I should sneak chaperon and make sure there isn't a fight or anything... No, I have to let them sort this out on their own... But what if something does happen... I'll call Chris in a half hour to make sure everything went alright.

Its been about a half hour... I'm gonna call now. I pull out my phone. "Hey, Chris. Did everything go ok?... He... He what?... He threw a stick at your face and ran away terror?... I'm not gonna say you didn't deserve that but are you ok?... Good. Ok. I'm glad you apologized. You did apologize, right? You screamed it while he was running?... Well then... I-I gotta go. Bye." I hang up. I mean... At least he apologized. Not in the way I imagined but its a step I guess. I'm glad though. I should call Kido. He's probably panicking at the moment, better calm him down.

Harem Camp (Reverse Harem x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin