Ch. 8

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Bam. I try to open my eye's but they are too blurry to see. Whats with all the noise from the other room. "Don't push me! Chris, you're the one that said it straight to her face". "You told me to do it. Now she hates me. She hates me Tristan!". "Us! She hates me too. God, I wish there was a way I could say sorry. I already snuck in her bed with her permi-... I mean. Nice weather we're having, eh." "YOU DID WHAT!?!". I hear another loud bang and get up from my bed and open the door. "I swear I'm gonna... Oh. Hey, y/n. Were we too loud?" I walk into the room and see Tristan on the floor and Chris making a fist. I walk over to Chris and take his hand and lower it. I walk toward Tristan and help him up. "What is this about?" "I-its nothing y/n thank you for your concerns." "Yeah. Tristan and I just got into a little argument. Go back to bed. It's almost 8." "What am I five and that didn't seem like a little argument. I'm also starving. I'm gonna go find Luke. Please don't fight while I'm gone."

I see Luke sitting on a bench listening to music and staring at the evening sky. I sit next to him and wave my hand in front of his face. He takes off his headphones and looks at me. "Hey, Luke. I want food." He laughs. "Well, that was very straightforward but ok." We both laugh and head toward the cafeteria.

"So, what do you want to eat y/n?" He turns on the kitchen lights. I take a seat at a small table near the sink. "Whatever you wanna make me. Just gimmie fooood" He laughs. "Ok, Do you always get whiny when you're hungry?" He starts taking out ingredients out of the freezer. "Sometimes". "It's cute... Uh, I mean, It just kinda reminds me of what my sister does when she's hungry" "You have a little sister?" "Yeah, I have 4 little sisters and 1 older sister" "Wow." 5 sisters must be a lot. He also has Jay as a brother."Yeah heh" "So, it's you and Jay and 5 other girls" "Yup" "Wow" "You say 'wow' a lot" "Really? Wow" We both laugh "Do you have any siblings y/n?" "Nope, an only child. Although I have a lot of cousins that are like siblings. What are your sister's names?" "You probably won't remember all their names but I'm gonna go from youngest to oldest. Lily is 4. Olivia is 7. Alice is 11. Faith is 13. Me 17. Jay 18. Angelica 23. Now repeat." "Uhh, Lily, Olive, Alison umm..." He starts laughing. "Close enough. You wanna turn on some music?" "Sure, Any song in particular?" "Any song you want" Hmm, There's a lot of songs I like. I guess, what songs does he like. I wish he'd just tell me. I don't want him to listen to a song he doesn't like for 5 minutes. I turn on Mercy from Shawn Mendes. "Is this song ok?" "Yup" I let my phone go through my playlist until the food is done.

"Yummy. How do you cook so good? What is this called again?" I scoop another bite in my mouth. "It's spicy shrimp with creamy polenta." We eat our dinner in silence until for some reason my phone starts playing the song Cheap thrills by Sia. Luke gets up and walks over to me. "Umm y/n. This is gonna sound stupid but care to dance." He holds out his hand for me to take. "I'd love to". I take his hand and we start dancing. It's super awkward. "Y/n, Loosen up your shoulders. They are way too stiff." "Umm ok" I comply with his wishes and loosen my shoulders. He spins me. "See". I follow his moves with every turn and twist he does. He dips me and the song ends and I'm left staring into his alluring purple eyes still leaned back. With Lukes spare hand he brushes the hair away from my face "You're so gorgeous y/n". He slowly leans his head down and his lips gently caress my own. "Y/n!" I quickly pull away from Luke. "Alex!". He stares at the scene for what feels like an eternity. "A-alex I can explain." He runs quickly runs outta the building and run after him leaving Luke behind.

Damn it. How much did he see? Wait, what am I even gonna tell him when I reach him? Oh crap, what time is it? I pull out my phone. 9:34pm. Ughh... It's not like I didn't like it. I didn't ask for it but I definitely didn't not like it. What am I saying? I'm not even sure where he went. I'm gonna die of hyperventilation if I don't sit down for a second. I see Jay jogging and he see's me and stops. "Yo y/n whats up? You on a jog too?" "Hey, Jay. Have you seen Alex around anywhere?" "Nah. Why?" "Just asking" "K. Cya". He jogs away into the distance. It's almost curfew. I could start to see stars forming in the sky. Might as well head back.

Hmm? Is no one here? Well, then. I open the door that leads towards the bunks and see Tristan reading. "Oh, hi y/n. About earlier today. I would like to apologize for my behavior earlier." He jumps down from his top bed. He wraps his hands around me and brings me into his chest. He holds me tight. He's so warm. "I shouldn't have told Chris to tell you that." "Umm, it's ok but why are hugging me? The sorry was good enough. I wasn't really affected by what he said. It's not the first time he messed with me like that?" "Oh, Umm, Really? When did he do it before?" "Well, He sorta indirectly called me beautiful when we went canoeing." His grip tightens around me. "Is that so?" He squeezes me as hard as possible. It feels like my head might pop off. "Umm, you're hurting me." He loosens his grip and backs away from the embrace. "Oh, I'm so sorry y/n. I would never purposefully hurt you." He stares deep into my eyes. It's silent. Well, awkward. "I'm gonna go to sleep now. Good night Tristan". Cover up and close my eyes. "Goodnight y/n. Sweet dreams."

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