Ch. 24

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July 4th Monday

"Y/n, wake up" I get gently shaken. "Hmmmm?" I rub my eyes trying to figure out who was in front of me. As my vision becomes more clear I see Luke holding a plate of colorful rainbow cupcakes. "Wanna go on a picnic?" He asks while holding out the plate of yummy treat. Hmm, where did Tristan go? I slowly sit up. "Sure, when?" I take one of the cupcakes. "Right now." Before I can even think he pulls me to my feet. "Get dressed." He walks out of the room. I check my phone. 11:23 am. I walk out of the room in a black tee shirt and dark blue ripped jeans. I put my hair up in a ponytail. "Let's go."

We get to a nice picnic bench that's already all set up. "So, any reason you dragged me out of bed?" He pulls out various foods from a basket and lays it out. "It's one of my favorite days." Oh, shit. Is it his birthday? "Umm, what day is it?" I ask hoping it's not his birthday. "Today is the camp festival. Food, fireworks, and friends. Now eat up." I look at the table covered in vegetables, fruits, sweets and sandwiches. The table had plates and is packed with delicious foods. "Thank you, Luke. It all looks so spectacular." He smiles. "It's no problem." We dig into the exquisite platters.

"So, about you leaving... that's 3 days from now correct? Did you tell the others yet?" I place down my plastic fork holding an excessive amount of food. "Well, I only told you and Tristan so far and yes, unfortunately." He looked down in sorrow and let out a sigh. We eat quietly with the peaceful sounds of nature. I see a figure quickly approaching me. "Yo, I'm gonna steal her for a bit. Thanks, pal." All of a sudden I got picked up and wedding carried away by Chris. "H-hey! Get back here!?" I see Luke stand up and chase Chris. Chris was faster than Luke, even with me in his arms. He eventually got away from Luke.

Chris sits me down on a bench. "So, princess. What were you doing on a date with that loser?" He sits next to me. "I was just having lunch... DID YOU JUST CALL ME PRINCESS?!?" He laughed. "Yes, I did. What are you gonna do about it... Princess." He gives an evil smirk. I get up and go to walk away but I feel my wrist get pulled back. My body flys onto Chris's lap. He wraps his arms around me. "You're not getting away that easy princess." I try to squirm away. "Why are you acting like this." He lets go. "I heard you're going to be leaving soon, too soon and you didn't even bother to tell me." I get off his lap. "You didn't give me a chance and what does calling me princess have to do with that?" I sit back down next to him. "Well, you are my princess. Sorry if I was being forceful. I can't believe you're leaving in 3 days. I just wanna keep my arms wrapped around you till then. For all I know we may never see each other again after that." He laughs and gives me a hug. Do the guys at this camp know nothing of personal space? "Yeah, it sucks."

I want to ask him something. "Can I ask you a question?" He nods his head. "Of course, anything for you princess." I glare at him and sigh. "How are you always so happy? Whenever I see you, you always have a huge smile planted on your face." He gives me a serious face. "Because... It's how I hide my pain, regret, and sadness." My face goes into shock. "W-what?" He smiles and laughs. "I was joking. Calm down. I wouldn't have said that if I knew you'd be that scared." He laughs again. He picks me up and wedding carries me again. "Let's go do something. I know the perfect place."

"THEY EVEN HAVE GO CARTS HERE!?!" He chuckles. "Yup, what did you expect. It is a rich people camp." We walk through the gates and approach the ticket counter. "2 Please." Chris says to the male behind the booth. "That will be 70 dollars please." My heart drops. I don't think I brought any money with me. I go to check my pocket. Chris grabs my hand and holds it. "Here you go, sir." He hands him the money. "Thank you, tracks are right that way. Please be safe and have a good time." We walk toward the tracks. "W-we didn't have to go if it was that much. I don't want you to waste your money." He looks at me with a caring smile. "Wasting? There's nothing else I rather spend my money on. Hell, I'd give him my whole bank account if it meant spending some time with you... I really care about you. I hope you know that" His words made my heart flutter a bit. I stare into his golden eyes. We reach another person. "Helmet's please." He shows us a table of helmets and guides us to our carts. "These look like professional racing cars." I sit down in the cart. "They do, don't they. Hey Y/n." I look at Chris in his cart. "I don't care how sexy you look right now but I'm gonna kick your ass." As soon as he said that a loudspeaker came on. "Please keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times. No bumping, railing or tripping. 1...2...3.... GO!" We both stomp on our petals and were off.

"There is no way your gonna win." I yell with his cart next to me. "Oh, really princess? Let's make a bet on it. If I win I can kiss you. Deal?" I nod. "If I win, you stop calling me princess." He nods back. "Whatever you say, princess." We race down the track at an alarming speed.

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