Ch. 10

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Jay and I are walking back to the cabin. "That movie was so cool. You said there are 10 of them?" I hold up all my fingers. He laughs "Yeah, I have all of them on DVD. Maybe you could come over my house one day and we could have a movie marathon. We could either watch it in my families indoor hot tub or in the den. We have massage chairs." "Wow, your family must be rich." "Yeah, how else would I get into the camp. It costs about $5,000 a week. They only gave out one free trip and you're the lucky lady who got it". Wait so... OH GOD, EVERYONE HERE IS FROM A STINKIN RICH FAMILY!? My family is trying to build a company that is dirt poor. That's why my parents when to Japan hoping they can pair and expand. "Oh... so... oh... wow... oh my". He laughs "You seem shocked, I hope this doesn't change our friendship". "N-no, it doesn't. I'm just, a little surprised." The more I think about it... wow, my parents make so little compared to what his must make... wait, so 5,000 times 4... and then that times 3... and plus tax... What the hell? Why is everything going black? I faint.

"Y/n? Please wake up." I suddenly feel something press against my lips. Why are my lips warm? Also, whats wrapped around my back? Is someone holding me? I open my eyes. W-w-why is Jay kissing me?! "J-Jay?" I move back and look around to see we're on a bench. "Y/n, thank God you woke up. I thought something was wrong". It looks like he has some tears in his eyes? He pulls me close to him and squeezes me. "I thought something was seriously wrong. I'm so glad your ok y/n. One minute we were just talking a-and-" "Um, Jay why were you kissing me?" "O-oh... I wanted to see if I could wake sleeping beauty, heh. It worked... so that means I must be Prince Phillip." "Why didn't you just get help you idiot." I laugh. "Well... Because I'm an idiot". We both laugh. "Geez y/n, you scared me. I think if I didn't kiss you, you'd still be lying here unconscious". "Let's go back to the cabin. The others must be worrying." We go back to the cabin and go to sleep.

June 22, Wednesday

"Gooood morning y/n. You missed breakfast. Wanna go get some with me?" I hear Lukes voice, exotic and cheerful. Too cheerful. "Nuu. Let meh sleep." He shakes me. "Get up. I wanna make you an omelet and toast and sausages and pancakes and smoothies and anything else you want." That sounds so good. I'm tired though. "Just a few for minutes". "Then I'm gonna lay down with you... and spoon you." "I'M UP".

"So, y/n. What would like? What ever you wish is my command". What would I like? Waffles? Bacon? "Uhm, what ever you think I would like." He always makes good things so I'm sure I'll like it no matter what. "Ok, put on your music." I reach into my pocket. It's not there? "I left my phone at the cabin. Do you want me to go grab it?" It shouldn't take to long. "Sure, hurry though or I'm gonna gobble all the food up". "I will beat you senseless if you do." He laughs "Ok ok, I won't" I go to walk out the door. "But, I might". I quickly walked toward him and jab him in the gut. "Ow, heh. I wouldn't wanna ever get into a fight with you."

Yes, my phone is at 100 percent. Better hurry back before he eats my food and I knock it back out of him. I go to grab the door but I feel a tug at my wrist. What the? I turn around to see who grabbed my wrist. "Alex?" "D-don't go... please." "Why?" "Uhmmm... Because" I put my hands on my hip. "Because?" "I-I-I uhh wanna hang out with you." "Really? Cause you seemed mad at me and you were avoiding me". "Why did he kiss you?" "I-". He inches toward me. "Why were you kissing him back". He gets closer. "Well-". "Did you like it?" "Could you let me talk!?" "I'm sorry. Go ahead". "We were just dancing and he dipped me and... We kissed, it was kind just in the moment" "If you were ever in a romantic moment with me... would you kiss me?" W-what should I say? Uh? "I-I don't know. I uhm gotta get back" "Ok" I was going to grab the door knob again. "Y/n, Do you wanna... maybe do something tomorrow. With me?" "Sure, I don't have any plans. So, I'm free." I waved bye and ran toward the cafeteria "Yo hoping Luke didn't eat my food.

I burst through the door. "You better not have eaten my food!?". He comes out with two big plates. "Why'd you take so long?" "I couldn't find my phone. It was on the floor for some reason". "Oh. I made an onion, bacon, mushroom, green pepper, tomato, and cheese omelet. I didn't know if you disliked any of ingredients in it but I also made pancakes and a fruit parfait". "Thank you, Luke". My mouth starts watering and we sit down to eat. "Since I made this all, could I feed you the first bite?" "I have hands you know." "Please?" I roll my eyes. "Fine, one bite" He picks up the fork and puts a piece of pancake in front of my face. I go to take a bite and end up biting my tongue. "Oh haha, very funny. Pulling away the fork when I'm about to take a bite." He holds up the fork again and I give him a distrusting stare. I go to take a bite but instead of tasting pancake I taste his lips. "Mmhm?" His lips taste like syrup. I pull away. "Could you stop kissing me?" I couldn't help but do a slight giggle while saying that. "I couldn't stop thinking about our last kiss. How you tasted. Your sweet lips on my own. I felt something, It was like my heart stopped. I craved it. So badly. Y/n I'm deeply in love with you" NOT ANOTHER LOVE PROPOSAL?! W-what do I say. He's a great guy. "I... don't... know" "Just think about. Eat your breakfast, I'll go clean up the kitchen. Please enjoy". He left the room and walked toward the food preparation area. He cooks as good as he looks but Chris also asked me out and Jay kissed me. I can't believe all of this happened within less than a week... Damn this food is good.

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